4-26 - Niagara module to rotate a Velocity Cone

Greetings people!

I’m trying to find a way to rotate my cone used to add velocity. I guess I might need a way to either rotate that cone or rotate the emitter’s orientation but can’t seem to find the right module.

That sprinkler image is pretty close to what behavior i’m after.

Any help on that would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

If you just spawn particles, and send them upwards with gravity. You can put a sine wave in the X of the gravity node:


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Thank you for your answer, but I would really like to use that Add Velocity in Cone Module. Can these vectors be rotated somehow?


You can rotate the velocity cone in a BP:


You’re totally right! Thank you a lot!

I think with a some work, you could get something very similar to the sprinkler.

Although, it would be one emitter for each stream.

It’s also possible to set it up so that as the BP spins faster, the particles fly out more ( I didn’t do that in the example ).