Niagara particles do not render properly when using Instanced Stereo and this was supposed to be fixed in 4.24, but it’s not. It still renders sprites on the wrong axis, starts flickering after 3 seconds and the entire system still gets duplicated and pointed to a side vector. It’s this way in new projects, blank projects, old projects…all projects in all versions of the engine up to date.
It’s been this way with Niagara in VR since I can remember and has been scheduled to be fixed every single version since 4.22 if I remember. It’s now set to be fixed in version 4.25 according to here:
So waiting for this to be fixed is not an option anymore. What steps can I take to get past this on my own without losing the benefit of ISR in a high draw-call environment or is Niagara out of my toolbag permanently?