4.2 Normal Maps on Skeletal Meshes are messed up!

I’m putting this here as well as the answer hub since I know not all the brilliant minds out there browse that daily:

Anybody have an idea where I went wrong? I’ve re-exported an reimported everywhich way, but I’m still getting the same results :confused:

(The one on the right is a Static Mesh, Left one is SkeletalMesh from the same .fbx file)



Can it be the physical asset bounds too small? I know it can cause some weirdness with lighting so thats what comes to mind for now. :\

I’m happy to see that you are working on the plane again, btw. :smiley:

It looks like it’s due to everything being scaled by 10x in the scene, presumable scaling the tangents by 10x as well. I hope this isn’t the expected behavior because I REALLY don’t want to redo all the lighting for 1.0x scale :confused:


Did You managed to solve this problem? I have lots of models rigged and animated in maya and they are too small in UE. But when I rescale them I got this same problem. Any idea how to fix it in 4.2?


here’s a problem that also appeared in 4.2 related to scaling, I assume there must be some relationship between these two issues both appearing for the first time in 4.2 and both being related to scaling!

Dx11 tessellation scale problem

Yeah, looks like the tangents are getting scaled with the model. Likely a simple oversight since they redid the tangent basis for the new FBX pipeline.

Here’s a hack that mostly works to fix up the normals issue, you might be able to use it for the tesselation problem too:


Here’s the result (Skeletal Mesh on the left and Static Mesh on the right). It fixes a lot of the issue, but I’m still getting some strangeness with the stitching as it uses a heightmap to generate the normal, but it’s better than nothing :smiley:

You are a genius! :slight_smile: For me it is working like a charm. Thank You for the fix :slight_smile:

Glad that’s working!
It’s not fixed in the 4.3 preview, BYW but maybe if we’re lucky it will make it before release… I’m not holding my breath :stuck_out_tongue:
However, when it IS fixed, you’ll have to unfix your materials :o

Happy to report that this is fixed in the 4.4 preview! Woo! Just in time for the clear coat shader :smiley: Just what my Jet scene needed!