Hey all, i have issues getting the planar reflections to behave as usual.
My scene renders well in 4.18 + VR but with just “switching” the unreal version i cant even get below 30 ms anymore.
The gpu profiler tells me a frame needs below 7ms to render so it must be some kind of misconfiguration or bug affecting the game thread or something else. When i remove the planar reflection it returns back to normal.
Steps to reproduce:
0. Download Project files to skip the following steps: https://we.tl/6TI8sjgDk1
- Create Project with Realistic Render Template for each version (4.18 and 4.19)
- Enable Forward Shading, MSAA, Global Clip Planes
- Let the shaders recompile
- Add Planar Refleciton to scene and change the floor material to be able to recieve it.
5.Watch in VR
Result on my 1070 Laptop:
4.19 45fps or less
4.18 90fps
(i tought maybe the new resolution thing might be the case but it is still visible with r.screenpercentage 130 in 4.18 and vr.pixeldensity 1 on 4.19)