4.18 new build

So the new updates seem pretty big for VR, any word on how it is working or different? Re: New: Refactored VR / AR Camera System
Unreal Engine 4.18 now contains a default camera implementation for both Camera Components and raw view that includes late-update automatically handled by the engine. This default camera implementation displaces itself (relative transform) equal to the real-world displacement of the device from its calibrated origin when there is a CameraComponent in the view target. As a result, the API that hardware developers have to implement has a much smaller footprint, resulting in a huge efficiency boost.

Note: All existing platforms have their camera implementations stripped out and replaced by the default camera implementation.

It won’t mean anything to you unless you were directly querying the HMD in code or implementing a plugin for an HMD.

…Actually, the one thing that would be useful to everyone is that the new late update with the controllers removes that pesky high velocity wobble that was going on before.