4.18 Modules not found or build with different engine version

Update [1]:

  • Using Visual Studio Community 2015 - Update 3

Update [2]

  • Using Visual Studio Community 2017 - 15.4.2 does not make a difference.

Update [3]:

  • Added visual image of what has changed and might cause this problem:




  • Error about Modules not found or build with different engine version
  • Project is created from Blueprint (Empty Project) and added a C++ class to it.
  • Our team uses version control and I have excluded (.modules, .target and .pdb)-files from version control, since we did not need it for every change (only programmers have visual studio installed).


  • Starting up ProjectName.uproject with only Binaries/ProjectName.dll
  • No .modules, .target or .pdb files (also in Plugins folder which is not shown in example project).


  • To open uproject without asking to compile source project.


I have created an example project in how to reproduce this issue:

  • Clean (contains no additional .modules, .target or .pdb files, only .dll)
  • Clean_with_binaries_modules_target (contains .modules, .target and .pdb in Binaries folder)

Tested this out in 4.16, 4.17 and it didn’t gave me this message.

[Download link to MyTestProject.zip][2]


We have the same workflow and we also had a similar problem.

We solved it, by adding UE4Editor.modules to Binaries folder in our project (to Binaries for Plugins folders too), after that our artists and designers succesfully run editor.



Hello ,

That makes sense hence why I have found out when excluding all the files except .dll it reports the message.

I am currently checking out with only .DLL & .modules included in our project and will get back when I know more (including CI-builds, Continue Integration builds).

Hey ,

So far this has been working.

Including .modules files in your binaries works.

Visual Studio does not modify .modules if the DLL is not missing, which is a plus for version control.

I can continue get our 4.18 project to be stable again due new errors!

Thanks y’all.

Hey , how would I go about this if I don’t have a “Binaries” folder? I was .git ignoring it so it wasn’t in my project folder. I tried not ignoring it and rebuilding my project but the “Binaries” folder still doesn’t come up. What should I do? Thanks so much for your answers.

go to the folder and “git add filename.ext -f”

Would suggest making sure you git ignore the pdb files, or are happy with having them in git (use lfs).