Using Visual Studio Community 2017 - 15.4.2 does not make a difference.
Update [3]:
Added visual image of what has changed and might cause this problem:
Error about Modules not found or build with different engine version
Project is created from Blueprint (Empty Project) and added a C++ class to it.
Our team uses version control and I have excluded (.modules, .target and .pdb)-files from version control, since we did not need it for every change (only programmers have visual studio installed).
Starting up ProjectName.uproject with only Binaries/ProjectName.dll
No .modules, .target or .pdb files (also in Plugins folder which is not shown in example project).
To open uproject without asking to compile source project.
I have created an example project in how to reproduce this issue:
Clean (contains no additional .modules, .target or .pdb files, only .dll)
Clean_with_binaries_modules_target (contains .modules, .target and .pdb in Binaries folder)
Tested this out in 4.16, 4.17 and it didn’t gave me this message.
We have the same workflow and we also had a similar problem.
We solved it, by adding UE4Editor.modules to Binaries folder in our project (to Binaries for Plugins folders too), after that our artists and designers succesfully run editor.
That makes sense hence why I have found out when excluding all the files except .dll it reports the message.
I am currently checking out with only .DLL & .modules included in our project and will get back when I know more (including CI-builds, Continue Integration builds).
Hey , how would I go about this if I don’t have a “Binaries” folder? I was .git ignoring it so it wasn’t in my project folder. I tried not ignoring it and rebuilding my project but the “Binaries” folder still doesn’t come up. What should I do? Thanks so much for your answers.