4.18 4K support not working with mouse click location

I appreciate Epic looking into 4k monitor support but unfortunately it seems it’s not working very well when trying to use mouse hit locations.

This can easily be checked by firing up the match3 game, try to click on any tile to see the issue. I am using a Dell XPS 4k touch screen, mouse and touch show the same problem.

Is there any way to get around this problem in 4.18? This is stopping me from upgrading right now.


…and by not working very well I mean the touch location seems to be off by half a viewport size. So it still works, but it’s just very off.

The temporary solution I found to this is go into the widget reflector settings and change the scale to 0.667. It’s not persistent though, needs to be changed every time you start the editor.

Only seems to be an issue in editor/pie for me. Works fine in packaged projects.

Can’t test this right now but that sounds good. Also sounds like something I’d expect to get a bug squash hopefully sooner rather than later.


So I finally got around to try this again, for me a widget reflector value of 0.5 works, but makes UE very hard to work with, and it also seems UMG and everything else scales differently as I would not have expected my UI to look different just because I’m using a 0.5 widget reflector. Maybe I misunderstood what that means… but either way, this does not feel correct. Doubt I will upgrade until this gets fixed or I can figure something else out.

Thanks again.

Any update/movement here from Epic? Got the same issue on HP Omen X laptop with 4K Native.

Just saw the 4.19 update post, no mention of this being fixed. I’ll see if I get around to trying it out… a bit disappointing if 4k support is still buggy. Will post here if I figure anything out anyway!

I changed my Windows 10 “Scale and Layout” from 150% down to 100%, in the display settings. And now this is fixed for me.

Also unchecking “use mouse for touch” in the project settings was a workaround at 150%.

It seems there is a bug that has to do with UI scaling with touch emulation in PIE.