4.17 GearVR Head tracking not working

I just upgraded a copy of a bllueprint only GearVR project from 4.16.3 to 4.17. It is rendering stereo on device on GearVR. However, when you turn your head it is no longer tracking the motion. I also notice the GearVR Plugin is missing on 4.17. Only the Oculus VR plugin is enabled. Could this be the cause?


Hello Petro_Randy,

The GearVR plugin was rolled into the Oculus VR plugin. I have a few questions regarding your issue.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved?

Trying to send you a PM on the forums results in this error:

Petro_Randy, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Thanks Rudy. Here is the 4.17 project with non working head tracking. I compressed the project as smallest as I can by deleting the build, saved, and intermediate folders:
Let me know if you need the original 4.16 project too. Thanks for helping me look into it!

I just tried out a blank project and head tracking is working. For some reason it’s broken upgrading to 4.17 in our project. Here are the settings:
DefaultEngine.ini: DefaultEngine.ini - Pastebin.com

I’m still working on reproduction steps. I don’t think any blueprints we have should be affecting head tracking. If you can provide me with a way to send the project without posting a public link I’d be happy to send it to you.

You can send me a private message on the forums. You will be able to provide the project via a drop box or google drive link.

After running a few tests on the project provided. The issue appears to be in your Character blueprint. after unhooking everything in the blueprint I was able to get the head tracking to work as expected. I would suggest combing through that blueprint to narrow down your issue further. I hope that this information helps.

Make it a great day