the Foliage scalability settings wont work correct.
If i change the settings for foliage while running in PIE or standalone to medium, it will be displayed correct.
After stopping the game and start it again in PIE it will display the maximum foliage density until i change it again.
The stored user settings seems to be loaded but not apply to the currently running game.
If i test what foliage scalability is active the game tells me the correct number but not displaying the stored setting of the foliage.
Other people i know reporting the problem that when they choose foliage scalability 0 in standalone, the foliage will appear with maximum density after restarting the game. If they change the scalability setting while running the game, it will also displayed correct until the next restart (They need to change it again while running the game).
There is also a problem with the foliage culling distance in the editor, if i choose the distance of foliage culling (max and min 10k) it will displayed correct in the editor, if i restart the editor some of my foliage will not correctly cull at the distance i choose until i renew the settings to the same.
I was unable to reproduce your issue on our end. I have a couple of questions to help narrow down the issue you are experiencing. I have a couple of questions to help narrow down the issue you are experiencing.
Can you reproduce this issue in a new project?
If so could you provide a detailed list of steps so that I can reproduce this issue on our end?
To reproduce the issue with the quality settings, please follow these steps:
Create a new blank project with 4.17.1 editor, Third Person Blueprint only, with starter content.
Take the third person start map.
Go into the foliage mode and add as foliage the 1M_Cube in the geometry folder.
The Desity of the brush should be 0.5 and the brush size around 400 (Very small to place the maximum density over the surface).
Change the parameter of the box foliage, Density to 4000, Scale min 0.1 and max 0.3, cull distance min 10000 and max 10000, cast shadow off, enable density scaling = on (Leave all other parameters standard).
Fill the whole starter map with the box foliage with these settings.
Add a new Key Input under project settings. And build up the next step in the thirdperson character blueprint.
Check that the editor scalability settings are all to epic.
Launch the game in a new window in the editor (New Editor Windows PIE).
Press the new key to start the custom event which will print out the quality setting and with a second press it will change the setting.
The Print node should now output the quality setting is 3 (epic) and the density in the editor of the boxes fit the density in the PIE mode.
Press a second time our new button, (the window will change size because of default settings).
Now the foliage quality is 1, the density in PIE changed to medium, you should clearly see the difference.
Press ESC but remember the density you had while the quality was 1.
Check the editor scalability settings of the foliage, it should be medium, in the editor window you can only see the maximum density setting (but that is normal).
Launch again the game in PIE.
The density is again epic, if you now press our custom button, the print node says that the quality is 1, but the actual density is the same density like with epic settings.
Press our custom button a second time will change the quality to 1 (medium) but nothing happens to the foliage density (only the window will resize again). The problem is that the foliage scalability setting is already 1, we cannot change it again to 1, but the game actual display the foliage density 3, which is epic (If you would change the quality value to another value then 1 and then change it again to one you will get the correct density matching the the quality settings again).
Stop the game.
Change the foliage scalability setting in the editor again to epic.
Start the game (Now we can change the setting again, cause the actual setting is different from that what we want to change).
Press our button two times, the density will be changed correct again, but after a second launch in PIE it will be always the same problem.
Reproduce is done.
The density always switch back to epic, dosnt matter if the user settings says that it is medium (setting 1). The density not match the actual user settings if you run the game.
The problem is only with the foliage scalability settings, all other settings work and will be correct displayed and saved.
(Sry that the numbering is wrong, the forum always starts again the list with 1, after the image).
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here
You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.