4.16 Released!

Copied “Don’t throw warning about missing world context for inactive worlds.” from 's comment (you could get it from the issue tracker linked commit instead though), search the github repository, then click Commits. Not sure why there’s only one result but it’s the right one at least.

Okay thanks I take note for the next time!

Did anyone figure out how to setup the Encryption.ini? :S :confused: still no documentation or anything.

Are landscape material instances working normally? I try to change values and save, then close it, and once reopening the values have reseted. The landscape itself have the new values activated until restarting editor.

I’m afraid there isn’t. Ideologically, I don’t think a target should configure itself differently based on what UBT is intending to do with it… In practical terms, I wouldn’t expect it to work reliably because of how we cache actions for the target on the first run. Part of the motivation for refactoring that stuff was to internalize things that had been added into that class that weren’t meant to be visible.

What were you trying to use it for?

I have been having consistent crashing issues with recent GeForce drivers. It’s basically impossible to use the Unreal Editor at all with these recent drivers. More info: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/667358/unreal-editor-crashes-on-level-load-on-recent-gefo.html

Could someone from Epic please remind Nvidia they need to fix the BuildPhysX.Automation.cs?

New: The FBX importer updates:
When importing an FBX file from Blender, the importer now removes the root node name “armature.”

This is actually ruining alot of my work, how to disable that new “feature”?

How is it ruining your work? If you don’t want to use the feature rename your rig to something other than “armature”. But if removing the extra bone causes problems for you your rig is set up wrong.

I have hundreds, if not thousands of Meshes and Animations in countless projects (and I doubt I’m the only one). If these projects are updated to 4.16 and you want to add some new stuff to the existing skeletons or just reimport an existing asset you will get all kind of fancy errors, bugged animations and state machines thrown in your face.
If you’re going to change the import hierarchy in such a drastic way I’d expect it to be optional and not a statement like “well for the past 3 years things were imported that way, but now you can redo everything as your rig is bad, bro”

The new Array Get node sadly is bugged. For some arrays, such as bp objects inheriting from “Object”, you can only use Get by copy. The same for the nodes “Get Components by Tag” or “Get Components by Class”. Both arrays can’t use “get by reference”.

Also, even when I plug a struct into an event with “pass-by-reference” ticked, it will NOT be passed by reference. Can we get this fixed asap please? I already made a bug report here:

Please let us know if there is a way to solve the *.pak encryption ini not working.

Also updated the mesh desync issue with a possible workaround for now:

When will the next hotfix be released? Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-45563)

That issue has just been marked fixed. Really anxious to use 4.16… that issue stopped all my development dead in the water…

Oh boy, i love 4.16 :o

However it is marked for 4.17, meaning you wont see it fixed in 4.16.x

Are you serious? That means i basically cant even touch 4.16 as a useable version of the engine… Then when is 4.17 coming? … So much for new features…

Just go to AsyncLoadingPrivate.h - Replace




Im not even sure where i would type that in. im not a programmer :frowning:

4.16 been else excellent but getting strange “Discovering Asset Data”-slowdown with 50% change when loading editor. It ends when pressing play with some 5-8min freeze wait. If waiting in editor, then it would took some hours. If editor loads normally discovering happens near instantly and play loads second or two. Havent had the issue before in previous UE4 builds.

Discovering more Fatal Error crashes, this one happens a lot when servertravel is called, and is somehow related to *.pak files loading/reading.