I’ve done some research into your submitted crash report and our bug database, and we have just logged a ticket that also matches the crash you are experiencing. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-45563). Hopefully we can make progress on this soon.
Hi Kmcressey.
I’ve reviewed your submitted crash reports and found that you are experiencing a handful of different crashes. Because you aren’t providing comments when you submit, I cannot tell specifically which ones are tied to when you create particle effects. However, many of the crashes you experience are the “D3D HUNG” crashes where your GPU driver hangs and causes the engine to crash. The ticket we are tracking this crash in (UE-42280) contains some potential workarounds that may work for you.
A reminder to all, to access more information regarding the crashes you experience (error message and callstack) I recommend going into your Engine Installation Options (via the Launcher’s engine slot dropdown > Options) and enabling “Editor Symbols for debugging” (make note of the size requirements though). You can then search the callstack in our https://issues.unrealengine.com/ to see if it is already known.
The 4.16.1 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves a number of critical issues in the 4.16 release.
Fixed in 4.16.1
Fixed! UE-44593 Crash when clicking on tutorial prompt for signing keys on Mac Fixed! UE-44393 [CrashReport] Assertion due to failing to find shader type Fixed! UE-45406 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FHLSLMaterialTranslator::GetParameterUniformExpression() [hlslmaterialtranslator.h:1671] Fixed! UE-45463 Crash on Mac for some 4.16 users while opening editor, related to Xcode Fixed! UE-45143 Crash attempting to force delete a duplicate skeletal mesh while in Paint Mode Fixed! UE-45498 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Sequencer!FSequencerEdMode::CleanUpMeshTrails() [sequenceredmode.cpp:186] Fixed! UE-45526 Disabling Gear VR plugin causes packaged game to crash on launch Fixed! UE-44864 Linux: async loading code crashes when memory pooling is enabled Fixed! UE-45455 GitHub 3621 : Fix regression in compiling plain .c files with MSVC++ Fixed! UE-45393 Unable to compile script plugins against 4.16.0 Fixed! UE-44961 Texture Heap Allocations cause editor freeze when opening the texture editor on Mac Fixed! UE-45437 Issue with hitches when vertex painting Fixed! UE-45097 Window title/border missing from package build with resolution changed Fixed! UE-44685 Fbx importer does not import animation exported with dense data property (all animation resampled to be 30fps)
Got a problem with 4.16 unfortunately:
Moving my PC/Android project to 4.16, the gap in visual quality has widened significantly, on Android colors are excessively oversaturated now. While there was a difference between SM5 and OGLES3.1 before, it was acceptable, now it just looks bad on android.
Is it a goal of UE4 to look similar on all supported platforms or are game developers expected to have a separate project file per platform and sync assets between them?
Should I report a bug?
All of these features are so great. It shows how hard the Unreal team works.
For linux builds corlib is now 4.8, and clang is 4.0. Ue4 is still unpacking, and building 3.9 though I’m not sure if it will cause any nuances with dependency. I just built to Linux from source.Thanks.
Hi cemas. This could be due to the recent addition of the mobile specific tonemapper cvar. From the Release Notes, see: New: Added “r.Mobile.TonemapperFilm” console variable which can be used to enable/disable new filmic tonemapper on Mobile devices, independently from Desktop platforms (disabled by default).
To see if it helps, you can try setting r.Mobile.TonemapperFilm 1
Thank you very much , that’s it!
Is it expected that the Mobile Tonemapper settings in PostProcessVolume disappear if I use this cvar? So, ‘Film’ is a Mobile Tonemapper preset and therefore overrides the manual Mobile Tonemapper settings?
i´m working with ue4.16.1 and the first person template, so here is my problem:
i imported my meshes and made a build: the person shoots and i can walk… everything works fine.
but when i import a new mesh (making a build with no error shown), i press play and:
sometimes my character stucks in the air, sometimes the character is normaly on the groud, but i can´t shoot and walk.**
i´ve tried the procedure several times, but after importing this mesh, the character seems to “break”.
what is my mistake?
or is it an bug (i guess, that could be…) ?
The inherit character mesh is desyncing/offsetting for player that join in late during a session. If the host/anyone is moving around when the new player joins, the inherit character mesh is offset and is non-centered on the pawn.
I don’t have an answer for this, but I’ve reached out to an engineer to see if they have any information to share.
Thanks. This is a known issue that we are currently working on. Related, we are also aware that the website API docs are out of date.
That " Commit" link is a dump of all fixes integrated into from the Dev-Framework stream, where the original fix was made (with changelist 3374925). If you’re looking for the specific affected file, it was /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/LevelActor.cpp - “Don’t throw warning about missing world context for inactive worlds.”
Yeah nice, and where are the changes ? Cause not sure if you checked it but “this dump of all fixes” dump nothing cause is empty, only have the text with empty changes, well yeah changes a single file of the manual. What that is the actual problem, where the hell are the changes ? And why Epic push empty dumps of changes.
Only need scroll to see the changes… AKA Nothing ?!
As second part I can’t find this in the 4.16 release notes ?