I have found a bug concerning landscape material blending when exporting to HTML, works fine on windows. I have managed to reproduce this twice. I have another landscape material related issue here: [4.16] HTML5 - Landscape Material - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums if any dev wouldn’t mind taking a look too.
Download project and html export: Dropbox - File Deleted
Landscape material:
Steps to reproduce:
- Make 4 textures: red, blue, yellow and green 1024x1024, save as JPG
- Make a new project with third person template with no starter content
- Make a new empty map
- Make a landscape of any size
- Make a material with a landscape layer blend with 4 elements and a landscape coordinates node, hook layer blend into base colour
- Import textures and assign them to the appropriate landscape layer blend elements
- Assign landscape material to landscape
- Paint landscape with every colour after making weighted-blended layers for each
- Place player start in the level
- Drag in directional light and build lighting
- Set new level as startup level and save project and map
- Export to html and run