4.13 VR Rendering, No AA.

Hey guys,

Seems like 4.13 is causing all sorts of havoc with my current project. (Which is a shame, considering the numerous improvements 4.13 has on offer.)

Basically, my problem is this: The rendering has completely broken when switching between 4.12 and 4.13.

For reference, I’m currently working on this project:

Due to the nature of the project, I need to be able to view the textures we’re creating at full resolution, without distortion no matter which angle or distance they’re being viewed at.

Anyways, so after a bunch of tinkering I had found a batch of settings that made the textures nice, crisp and legible within 4.12.

To my dismay after I switched to 4.13, the changes to the VR Rendering have made my textures jaggy and illegible when viewed within the HMD. I tried playing with a bunch of the rendering settings all over again within 4.13 and it seems that I cannot find the proper combination to achieve what I’m looking for.

Straight lines are jaggy. Words are distorted at a distance or angle.

So, I figured I should reach out again to the wonderful devs over at Epic who may be able to shed some light on what I can do to fix this.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide screenshots as the mirror window displays fine though within the HMD things are just a mess.

As a reference, here’s roughly what I’ve got going on in 4.12:

	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("hmd sp 300"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.Bloom False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.ReflectionCaptureResolution 64"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.EarlyZPass 1"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.EarlyZPassMovable True"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.BasePassOutputsVelocity False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.TextureStreaming False"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.ScreenPercentage 200"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.ViewDistanceScale 1.0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.PostProcessAAQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.ShadowQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.TextureQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("r.EffectsQuality 1"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.ResolutionQuality 25"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.ViewDistanceQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.AntiAliasingQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.PostProcessQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.ShadowQuality 0"));
	GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), TEXT("sg.TextureQuality 0"));

I’ve been meaning to move these out to the .ini file but for now they work where they are.

Thanks for any and all help,