Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this error on my end with the steps provided. What is the exact size of the object you are importing? Additionally, does this occur with any modeling program or only from Maya?
Size doesn’t matter but if you made a cube in maya its default is 1cm so I said scale it up. If I import any FBX into 4.13 it is un-paintable, un-snapable. If the object was there from 4.12 it works fine. If I reimport one of those objects that worked fine in 4.12 into 4.13 where its working b/c it was there from 4.12 it will stop working.
So you tested it and it works for you? Hmm, it didn’t work in 4.13.0 nor 4.13.1 I don’t think a reinstall is the solution but I can make a video of the issue if that would help.
This is the FBX I have used to attempt to reproduce this. The asset itself was created in Blender. Can you check on your end and see if it works for you. If it does, the error may be from Maya exporting or it could be a collision error with either the mesh or the foliage tool.
My GeForce Driver is latest 373.06 on a 970
I have SteamVR running (can’t imagine that affects things)
Tried other combinations of settings on import, nothing changed the paintablility.
just trying to think of why it works for you and not for me.
Try turning off SteamVR and any additional plugins. I don’t think this will be the cause of the error, but it is good to go ahead and remove the possibility. Additionally, can you show me a screenshot of your foliage painting details pane?
but you don’t need collision on to be able to paint on the objects. Still, I tried checking unchecking box, still broken, Is there a user settings file I can delete? or something to cleaer wipe my settings to make sure I didn’t break the settings somewhere? I just uninstalled 4.13 again, this time deleted folder in C: I see the launcher has some settings, do I need to delete anything in there?
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end. Try unchecking then rechecking the “Static Meshes” check box. Additionally, ensure your imported asset has collision.
Try removing the intermediate and saved files within your project folder. If you go to \Unreal Projects\PROJECTNAME\ you should see them and these can safely be removed, leaving the content, config, and uproject files. Please let me know if this resolves the error.
I started a new project I don’t need any files. I can blow the whole project away. That can’t possibly be the solution. I know you’re trying to help, and thank you! Its frustrating dealing with bugs esp ones that are not easily reproducible, so again thanks for your time and patience.
As I demonstrated in the video it works in 4.12.5, and the exact same steps do not work in 4.13.1. If its a config file where is the reset? If I uninstalled and reinstalled is there any remnant files that can corrupt the reinstall? Are the saved editor settings in the launchers ini (C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\Launcher\Engine\Config)? or in a folder outside the install directory?
I uninstalled 4.13 deleted the 4.13 folder in the programs directory. Reinstalled via launcher. New project, import your fbx. Nope. Still cannot import any fbx and paint foliage tool on it. Also cannot drop objects in a level and have them snap to imported fbx’s. like place an object ontop of the box, it will snap to the floor not the box, like it would in previous versions of unreal. Its clearly an issue with the editor. Its having trouble ray casting on the visibility of objects. It has to be an engine/editor issue.
You are not have this problem at all? Could you have someone else test it quickly? Watch my video and confirm it works for them? I feel like you’re out of ideas like I was before even posting to here. I’ve spend a number of hours over 2 days trying to trouble shoot this issue for every angle I can think of. Its a show stopper. I need it working. Is there anything else we can try? Another person who might have other ideas to try?
Try re-checking auto-generate collision. I was able to reproduce this, but only when the collision is turned off upon import. Turning on collision resolved the error.
Good news, you are correct that is a work around, however the bug exists. Auto generate collision is not the solution. In most companies you can’t have the turned on. So someone changed something on the FBX import, and it needs to be rolled back to 4.12’s import. I want to control collisions very specifically. As in specifically NOT have collisions on objects I don’t want them to. I don’t want to auto generate collisions just so they can be paintable, just like it worked in 4.12
I believe there was a misunderstanding, I apologize for the miscommunication. I was asking you to check this to ensure we were seeing the same error and that I wasn’t missing something. I have reproduced this error and have entered a bug report here. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.