4.13.2 unable to open existing project made in 4.13.15

Hi Guys,

I have a mobile, android only project that was working in UE4 version 4.13.15 . Today I updated the UE4 editor to 4.13.2. When I try opening my project I am getting the error message:

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuild them now?

Clicking Yes, I get the following error message:

MyProjectName could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually." 

Then I run the Build.sh from the CLI and I get another error.

MacBook-Pro-4:4.13 $ ./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/Build.sh "hazardnetworkingEditor" Mac Development  "/Users//Documents/Projects/UnrealProjects/MyProjectName 4.13/MyProjectName.uproject" 
Building MyProjectNameEditor...
2016-11-03 14:01:54.326 defaults[4970:21608] 
The domain/default pair of (com.apple.dt.Xcode, IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks) does not exist
Running command : Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProjectNameEditor Mac Development -deploy /Users//Documents/Projects/UnrealProjects/MyProjectName 4.13/MyProjectName.uproject
ERROR: Couldn't find target rules file for target 'MyProjectNameEditor' in rules assembly 'UE4Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
Location: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.13/Engine/Intermediate/Build/BuildRules/UE4Rules.dll
Target rules found:
	UE4Editor - /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.13/Engine/Source/UE4Editor.Target.cs
	UE4Game - /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.13/Engine/Source/UE4Game.Target.cs
	UnrealHeaderTool - /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.13/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealHeaderTool/UnrealHeaderTool.Target.cs

I am running Mac Book Sierra.

Also, at the point of the update, I was working on a C++ class trying to build a JNI bridge to Android. That C++ class didn’t compile yet, I am not sure if this unfinished C++ class has something to do with the UE editor not opening my project.

Can you guys help me on how to proceed ?


Hey ,

Can you try the following?

Delete the following folders / files from your project folder (that you have):

  • Binaries
  • DerivedDataCache
  • Intermediate
  • Saved
  • .xcodeproject

Then, right click on the .uproject, go to “Services” and choose to generate new XCode project.

Then open the new xcodeproject file and build your project again.

Let me know if that helps.



My problem was that the UE4 editor wouldn’t launch my project. Since this issue came up after I updated UE4 to 4.13.2, I was unsure what caused this issue. But it so happens that my C++ code had some problems and was stopping the editor from launching my project. Me being me, I decided, I will troubleshoot my C++ code later. Hence as a temporary workaround, in the MyProject.uproject config file, I removed the mention of my C++ project from the “Modules” section.

Since my C++ project references have been removed, UE4 did not try building my C++ project. Hence, I was able to launch my project.

I thought that if my C++ code has bugs, then UE4 will not show my C++ classes in the Editor, but in this case, it looks like the editor will not launch my project if the C++ code is buggy. Is this right?

Thanks again for your help.