4.12 Released!

Same for GenericShooter by M. . Unusable since 4.12

In 4.12.0 the editor crashed.
In 4.12.1 some BPs failed to compile.
In 4.12.2 it compiled in PIE but you couldn’t package it (compiling error)
In 4.12.3 the editor crashes again on startup.

There is something deeply broken in 4.12 - we are sticking with 4.11.2, seems to be the most stable currently. (4.10.2 was the most stable for us)

Hope 4.13 will have only stability fixes without any new features like Sequencer. (which is great btw!) Hope to get the most stable release as it will be .13 :wink:

Hope 4.13 will have only stability fixes without any new features like Sequencer. (which is great btw!) Hope to get the most stable release as it will be .13 :wink:

12 does appear to be problematic…

Hope 4.13 will have only stability fixes without any new features like Sequencer. (which is great btw!) Hope to get the most stable release as it will be .13 :wink:

4.13 is going to be freaking awesome because we finally get the media framework overhaul!!! :smiley:

I have a question, will UE4 ever support proper transparency options and sorting?

Much of my content created depends on the alpha channel. Ripped clothing and other cloth features, fur, hair, feathers, fountain grass and floral. I understand about opacity masking as a substitute but it looks too jarring and artificial as a result.

I was wondering if there could be a way to manually select or color gradient paint objects that use transparencies, and plug in their influences as a node for sorting. Instead of having the engine guess which objects need to be rendered in which order. And i also would like more transparency options like normal mapping, specularity, and degree of translucency.

Thank you Epic for a great game engine… :smiley:

At this point i don’t want any new features, some polishing would be nice now, the engine got pretty unstable since 4.11

Same for GenericShooter by M. . Unusable since 4.12

In 4.12.0 the editor crashed.
In 4.12.1 some BPs failed to compile.
In 4.12.2 it compiled in PIE but you couldn’t package it (compiling error)
In 4.12.3 the editor crashes again on startup.

There is something deeply broken in 4.12 - we are sticking with 4.11.2, seems to be the most stable currently. (4.10.2 was the most stable for us)

Give some time to get his project 4.12 compatible. He keeps up with engine versions… at least since I’ve been around which was 4.8.3…

I instaled the new version 4.12
Now, the grass doesnt work.
Infinite loop: Building Grass Maps (1024) stays forever.

But seems to been fixed in 4.11
UE-29297 Building Grass Map toast stays up forever

On top of the where I can’t bring my project from Windows to the Mac editor without it breaking (despite being the same engine version), I’ve found another with 4.12.

In both the Linux editor and Mac editor of 4.12 (4.12.0, 4.12.1, 4.12.2, and 4.12.3) right-clicking in blueprint’s no longer focuses on the pop-up menu. This breaks workflow consistency.

After right clicking now, an additional step of left-clicking into the context menu search bar needs to be done before it will focus and receive keyboard input. This can be tested in a blank project with nothing special done.

This is both on MacOS El Capitan and 16.04 64bit, source editor. This does not happen with the same editor versions on the Windows editor.

The 4.12.3 preview broke the Hal Arch Viz tool kit. All of the blue prints have compiling errors now. It worked fine up to 4.12.2. Ho do I revert back to 4.12. Do I simply uninstall 4.12.3? I just do not want it to delete my 4.12 projects in the process.



The 4.12.3 preview broke the Hal Arch Viz tool kit. All of the blue prints have compiling errors now. It worked fine up to 4.12.2. Ho do I revert back to 4.12. Do I simply uninstall 4.12.3? I just do not want it to delete my 4.12 projects in the process.



If you’re using the binary editor, there is no way back to older hotfixes. The Unreal Launcher will only offer you the latest hotfix version of the binary editor to my knowledge. Your alternative would be to use the source version of the editor, go to the releases page and download the specific version you need. The source release page is here: https:///EpicGames/UnrealEngine/releases

On that note though, the engine is not backwards compatible. If you converted your project in-place to 4.12.3, you will unlikely be able to revert it back to any previous engine version. You could try and right-click the .uproject file and select “Switch Engine Version” and select an older engine version and open it, but note this is not likely to work. If it does though, count yourself lucky. It has not worked for me.

If you chose the “Open a copy” route though, you’re safe. UE4 will have made a full new copy of your entire project directory and opened only that in 4.12.3. This means your original project folder will still be the previous engine version you last opened it with.

please don’t get rid of matinee, it’s still good for small stuff that doesn’t need a full production type setup, like turning on a light… (i notice you are now calling it a legacy tool)

I am having problems with applying morphs in 4.12.3.

If I apply more than one morph to character the frame rate drops to 3 FPS.

The morphs affect the whole mesh, so overlap, and the mesh has also got physx cloth simulation on it. With only one morph and cloth sim, the level runs at 60-70 FPS

Disabling the cloth simulation, doesn’t improve things, so its definitely down to applying more than one morph to a character mesh.

Is anyone else able to recreate this ?


I’d be a lot happier if more transparency options and sorting were supported. my character is near complete, 100% if there were more transparency options.


It’s so awkward that UE4 has this, UE3 seemed to have better implementation of transparencies, with games like gears of war 3.


really hope better support for this turns up. :frowning:
A plugin node for sorting would do wonders for me.

Well yeah, UE3 did forward rendering, UE4 switched to deferred which is usually much better for normal rendering, but also always worse for transparency.

Did you try the hair shader ?

Well yeah, UE3 did forward rendering, UE4 switched to deferred which is usually much better for normal rendering, but also always worse for transparency.

Did you try the hair shader ?

For transparency deferred always use forward path. So nothing has changed. Correct looking hair need per pixel sorting. For that there are TressFX or Nvidia hairworks. UE4 has hair shader that use alpha test and temporal dithering for semi transparency.

Well yeah, UE3 did forward rendering, UE4 switched to deferred which is usually much better for normal rendering, but also always worse for transparency.

Did you try the hair shader ?

Yeah i tried out the hair shader a while back, it looks a little artificial and the aliasing is pretty bad.


Might check out Nvidia hairworks.

Yeah i tried out the hair shader a while back, it looks a little artificial and the aliasing is pretty bad.

I am no expert with the Hair Shader, but UE4 is certainly able to achieve better results as evidenced in the 4.11 Release screenshots highlighting our Paragon characters.

You can dig into the Hair Shader setup in the Content Examples project and the Character_Rendering map.


please don’t get rid of matinee, it’s still good for small stuff that doesn’t need a full production type setup, like turning on a light… (i notice you are now calling it a legacy tool)

Better use Timeline for such simple task.
However, Matinee problaby won’t be removed in UE4 because that would destroy part of work for some teams.