Is this project going to be made available or not?
Is this project going to be made available or not?
4.12.2 Bug Roughness pls FIX problem, in 4.11 good work materials…
You have to activate the High Precision Normals. You can find the option in Project settings->Rendering->Optimizations->GBuffer Format
I’m having some strange problems with dynamic CSM on mobile. It works perfectly fine in the editor and mobile preview, but after deploying to device I get this:
My device is Sony Xperia Z5 Compact. Settings on Stationary Directional Light:
I also have r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold=0.01 in DefaultEngine.ini
In the XMPP module.h you add 2 new function: OnXmppRoomCreated && OnXmppRoomConfigured.
Now I’m getting a compilation error because FXmppRoomId is not known. What should we add as an header in order to use this properly?
for now, I add typedef FString FXmppRoomId; before the header, but that’s dirty coding.
Thanks for your feedback
On iOS mobile dynamic shadows seems to use wrap mode repeat in sampler. Shadow sampler should never use this addressing mode for obvious reasons(dublicate shadows on wrong places). Because Metal is missing Clamp to Border color maybe clamp_to_edge with 1 pixel scissors borders should be used.
, were these meshes imported via the FBX pipepline and did the meshes have UV coordinates assigned?
@EDI_VFS, note that high precision normals is not always appropriate. In this case the content has sufficient precision for is being render as seen from the 4.11 shot. High precision normals are important when the mesh density is so high that the normal between adjacent vertices are being quantized to the same value and the pixel shader interpolation isn’t able to function.
I switched my project from UE4.11.2 to UE4.12.2 and I am facing some issues with Child Actor Components. Details here:
Mesh instancing is involved, I don’t know if it is related to the.
Do you know if something can be done about this please? It currently prevents us from moving to 4.12.
Thanks a lot!
Has the planar reflection demo be released somewhere ? I’m talking about this :
The 4.12.3 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves a few important issues and restores the option to opt out of submitting crash reports.
If you experience a bug with the 4.12.3 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.
Fixed in 4.12.3
Fixed! UE-31735 Get Class Defaults node disconnects output pins when project upgraded from 4.11 to 4.12
Fixed! UE-31743 Components derived from scene component reset vector location upon closing and re-opening editor
Fixed! UE-31812 CrashReporter Client has no options to close without sending
Fixed! UE-31789 GitHub 2484 : Git Plugin: fix the Submit To Source Control menu broken by new “migrate” support in 4.12 (and )
Fixed! UE-31702 Assertion opening blueprint with HISMC created in 4.11
Fixed! UE-30934 GitHub 2406 : Git plugin: Fix for Git diff not working in UE 4.12 (and )
Fixed! UE-31265 GitHub 2432 : BUGFIX: ProceduralMeshComponent crashes game
Fixed! UE-31578 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!InjectTranslucentLightArray() [translucentlighting.cpp:1578]
Fixed! UE-31851 Reflections have an extra vector offset than in 4.11
Fixed! UE-31787 Vive: Positional Latency w/ Rotation
Woooow, thanks for the fixes
Thanks for the updates. Also converted my Project today from 4.11 to 4.12. Getting some crashes (Index>=0 && Index<NumBits and LandscapeInfo)* and my landscape material is causing strange fps drops now that it didnt do in 4.11. But else looking great so far. Loving the new reflections. Cant wait to try the new cinematic-features.
Updated to 4.12.3, now my launcher crashes at 93% when loading my existing 4.12.2 project.
Where can I find the crash log?
UE-31735 is not fixed…
[=Devfo Studios;549187]
Updated to 4.12.3, now my launcher crashes at 93% when loading my existing 4.12.2 project.
Where can I find the crash log?
Does your project have C++? If it does, you can launch it from VisualStudio and see where the crash occurs.
Sorry, I also don’t know where the log is.
[=Devfo Studios;549187]
Updated to 4.12.3, now my launcher crashes at 93% when loading my existing 4.12.2 project.
Where can I find the crash log?
and @
The logs for the most recent sessions can be found here:
UE-31956 is not fixed either. I am still stuck to 4.11 at the moment :S
Could you please have a look at it?
Thank you
Thanks. I forgot where the logs were. It seems the JCInventory from the Marketplace is crashing it. Strange how it worked up until this update. From my log:
[2016.06.16-21.47.03:550] 0]LogEnum:Warning: In asset ‘None’, there is an enum property of type ‘EQuestNodeType’ with an invalid value of ‘NewEnumerator1’
[2016.06.16-21.47.03:552] 0]LogEnum:Warning: In asset ‘None’, there is an enum property of type ‘EQuestNodeType’ with an invalid value of ‘NewEnumerator1’
[2016.06.16-21.47.05:254] 0]LogEnum:Warning: In asset ‘None’, there is an enum property of type ‘EQuestNodeType’ with an invalid value of ‘NewEnumerator1’
[2016.06.16-21.47.05:256] 0]LogEnum:Warning: In asset ‘None’, there is an enum property of type ‘EQuestNodeType’ with an invalid value of ‘NewEnumerator1’
[2016.06.16-21.47.06:984] 0]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
[2016.06.16-21.47.07:139] 0]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_NeedPostLoad) [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectLinker.cpp] [Line: 102]
Detaching from existing linker for …/…/…/…/…/TR 4.12/Content/JCInventory/JCInventoryCore.uasset while object StructProperty /Engine/Transient.TRASHCLASS_JCInventoryCore_145:StructProperty_1703 needs loaded
Any Help on this would be greatly appreciated
**cant compile unreal with Visual update 3 **](Build Failed with VS 2015 update 3 - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums)
This is my biggest beef with C++, you update VS and all of the sudden i cant compile anything. cough C# cough
UE-31735 is not fixed…
Our own tests show this was successful. Can you please provide more details on the related Answerhub post: "GetClassDefaults" outputs breaking after 4.12 update - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
UE-31956 is not fixed either. I am still stuck to 4.11 at the moment :S
Could you please have a look at it?
Correct, this has not been fixed yet. We hope to get to it soon however.
[=Devfo Studios]
It seems the JCInventory from the Marketplace is crashing it.
This has been ongoing for a few releases and is being discussed on the related Marketplace thread for the asset: JCInventory, Grid based jigsaw Inventory for your projects - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums