I’m getting a lot of random crashing when using VR Preview (HTC Vive). I am not seeing any specific pattern to it. Works one time, then not the next. Let me know if I can help by submitting logs, or detailing anything else. I’ll fight through it for now!
I just now turned my engine scalability settings to all low. I still got some crashes after that, but maybe it will help.
I’m getting a lot of random crashing when using VR Preview (HTC Vive). I am not seeing any specific pattern to it. Works one time, then not the next. Let me know if I can help by submitting logs, or detailing anything else.
Hi human.
Feel free to make a bug report on the UE4 Answerhub for the crash (click the link in my signature here). If you can determine reproduction steps and let us know, that’s perfect. Otherwise, sharing information such as the Error Message and Callstack, your project log from after you crash, and your MachineID from the CrashReport you submit can still be valuable.
[= Ellis;552280]
I am no expert with the Hair Shader, but UE4 is certainly able to achieve better results as evidenced in the 4.11 Release screenshots highlighting our Paragon characters.
You can dig into the Hair Shader setup in the Content Examples project and the Character_Rendering map.
The hair shader setup in the content examples looks kind of like a hack to me, I guess it’s because it’s not clear what the nodes are supposed to do (no comments or anything). For example if you go behind the hair you get harsh artifacts:
The lighting looks different too, the left side viewed from the front has a blue tint where the right side does not. In the nodes themselves there are things that aren’t working at all like the backlighting parameter. And as mentioned earlier it is not clear why things were done that way or how you should set up your own hair materials. There’s no documentation either so you have to experiment a lot on your own which may seem like a waste of time.
This is true for cloth as well, there’s only one example material with few comments. I guess that one is easier to understand though.
[= Ellis;552280]
I am no expert with the Hair Shader, but UE4 is certainly able to achieve better results as evidenced in the 4.11 Release screenshots highlighting our Paragon characters.
The hair shader setup in the content examples looks kind of like a hack to me, I guess it’s because it’s not clear what the nodes are supposed to do (no comments or anything). For example if you go behind the hair you get harsh artifacts:
The lighting looks different too, the left side viewed from the front has a blue tint where the right side does not. In the nodes themselves there are things that aren’t working at all like the backlighting parameter. And as mentioned earlier it is not clear why things were done that way or how you should set up your own hair materials. There’s no documentation either so you have to experiment a lot on your own which may seem like a waste of time.
This is true for cloth as well, there’s only one example material with few comments. I guess that one is easier to understand though.
I believe it is a hack. in motion everything blurs and looks more softer but clearly much of the original shape distorts to almost a fuzzy blob. I hope better filtering and support for hair happens in later builds of UE4.
looks a little better but still too much fuzz and distortion, causing it to lose shape around the edges. There’s also too much hassle having to work around in order to achieve soft hair. I +1 vote for improved hair shaders and transparency options for version 4.13. or at the very least plugin nodes for transparency sorting, so that we can at least have that option.
I have entered the bug report for the ScreenPercentage.Editor, UE-31549 , for further investigation. Thanks for letting us know and best of luck in your projects.
Hey, . Sorry to bother about that again… But did you guys have any news about that bug report? We are on third fix and ScreenPercentage.Editor is still not working. That’s an important for production since we can have real-time visual feedback of different screen percentage adjustments without the need of starting a standalone game just to check it every time.
Is it possible to use instanced skeletal meshes yet? Saw the amazing Days Gone E3 gameplay video for PS4, with massive amount of zombies. Heard they use modified UE4 build so guessing they have special system for that. Anyway would be fun to play with features like that.https://.com/watch?v=bGej8K1r8KI
Else loving the UE4.12, working very smooth so far. Cant wait the UE-32034 (landscape splines crash) to get solved.
What does “Vulkan-only Android code builds can be made.” mean? I can only use vulkan when making android builds or do I have to enable Vulkan through code?
Hey, . Sorry to bother about that again… But did you guys have any news about that bug report? We are on third fix and ScreenPercentage.Editor is still not working. That’s an important for production since we can have real-time visual feedback of different screen percentage adjustments without the need of starting a standalone game just to check it every time.
Thanks in advance.
Hey ,
The in UE-31549 has been fixed internally and is expected to be available in the 4.12.4 release.
Fixed! UE-32179 Properties of blueprint based behavior tree decorators are reset on game start Fixed! UE-32178 Vehicles set to “obstacle only” in RVO are moving on their own Fixed! UE-32356 Editor crashes when opening several marketplace assets - Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags Fixed! UE-32414 Using TickInterval for a tick used as a prerequisite will crash Fixed! UE-31897 PhysicsVolume weak pointer returns null only in packaged project Fixed! UE-31938 Crash report window does not open on GitHub source builds Fixed! UE-29086 Crash When Typing a Node Comment and Hovering Over the Alignment Option Fixed! UE-30963 UCS continuously runs while a blueprint’s thumbnail in content browser is focused Fixed! UE-32381 Crash updating thumbnail after compiling blueprint Fixed! UE-32283 Animations imported with Skeletal Mesh are not marked as dirty and don’t get saved Fixed! UE-30878 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Foliage!FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::AddInstanceBaseId() [foliageinstancebase.cpp:101] Fixed! UE-31956 Instance changes no longer propagating to ChildActor after updating from 4.11.2 Fixed! UE-32219 [CrashReporter] Crash in UEngine::UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate() Fixed! UE-32276 AActor::OnRep_AttachmentReplication regression on detach Fixed! UE-32124 Crash when Deleting Concatenator Node while Playing Sound Cue Fixed! UE-28604 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FSharedPoolPolicyData::GetPoolBucketIndex() [gpuskinvertexfactory.cpp:75] Fixed! UE-31445 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_DetailCustomizations!FBodyInstanceCustomization::GetDefaultCollisionProvider() [bodyinstancecustomization.cpp:35] Fixed! UE-32244 Grabbing a Destructible Mesh Child blueprint with a Phsyics Handle crashes the editor Fixed! UE-31766 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed() [actor.cpp:4111] Fixed! UE-32060 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor Fixed! UE-32132 Safe zone visualization and debugging is broken on Windows Fixed! UE-31441 A3D doesn’t work on PS4 Fixed! UE-31450 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FLightmassExporter::WriteSceneSettings() [lightmass.cpp:1818] Fixed! UE-31765 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FMeshMaterialShader::SetMesh<FRHIVertexShader * __ptr64>() [shaderbaseclasses.cpp:457] Fixed! UE-31454 Using VR Preview and Shader Complexity viewmode will cause a crash Fixed! UE-29332 [CrashReport] Crash When Switching from Lit to Light Complexity Mode Fixed! UE-32036 GitHub 2504 : [Editor Hang new in 4.12 fix in FinalPostProcessSettings] Essential project-killing hang fix ? Fixed! UE-32415 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor Fixed! UE-29146 CameraVectorWS Input Data as Post Process Blendable not Rendering Correctly Fixed! UE-31549 r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not function Fixed! UE-32507 Third party plugin authors cannot stage PRX files on PS4
I was hoping the support for VS2015 Update 3 would make it for my C++ projects which I must have available. I’m stuck on the dock watching the boat sail away. Trying to convert from only BP projects to C++. MS only has Update 3 available for DL. I’m searching… the bug report shows resolved, and I guess it is. It’s just not a supported program yet so not technically a bug. /cry lol.
Guess I’ll have to go the route of disabling the pragma warning “5499” in the github source.
I was hoping the support for VS2015 Update 3 would make it for my C++ projects which I must have available. I’m stuck on the dock watching the boat sail away. Trying to convert from only BP projects to C++. MS only has Update 3 available for DL. I’m searching… the bug report shows resolved, and I guess it is. It’s just not a supported program yet so not technically a bug. /cry lol.
Guess I’ll have to go the route of disabling the pragma warning “5499” in the github source.
Have you tried the Community Edition?
I struggled with getting 4.12.3 and then 4.12.4 working with community VS2015 RC3.
After about 6 hours of constant errors no matter what i tried, and banging my head against a wall, reading multiple posts I realized that for what I’m doing right now, I can wait for several weeks. I uninstalled 2015 Visual , and re-installed 2013, then loaded up 4.9 for my current use. I’ll upgrade everything once again once this is sorted.