I’m using the latest 4.12 version from github, my project is upgraded from 4.11,
when a client connects to server, the server will crash immediately.
I’m using the latest 4.12 version from github, my project is upgraded from 4.11,
when a client connects to server, the server will crash immediately.
Hello darren_mii,
Were there any changes made to your project before this began occurring or was it directly after upgrading to the 4.12 Preview? If changes were made, have you tried integrating those changes into your old 4.11 build to see if the same results occur?
Hello ,
No, I did not change anything to my project, but I did modify the engine code,
I get this error when I build the engine:
16>D:\Unreal\UnrealEngine-4.12\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Internationalization\Cultures\InvariantCulture.h(43): error C4566: character represented by universal-character-name ‘\u2030’ cannot be represented in the current code page (950)
So I change that character to other thing and the engine can build without error.
Hello ,
I updated the latest code on the github today, and this issue is gone,
thank you UnrealEngine team!
Glad to hear that the issue is resolved!
I have the exact same crash, on the same line:
[2016.06.05-04.36.47:207][454]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
Assertion failed: CharacterOwner->GetRemoteRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy [File:D:\Unreal 4.12\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Components\CharacterMovementComponent.cpp] [Line: 6915]
I’m using the release branch from GitHub. The crash happens every time when the client connects to the dedicated server in a packaged build.
it is still present for me with UE 4.12 and 4.12.1, I’m using the release branch from GitHub. With Preview 5, the crash happened in editor, with ‘release’ build it only crashes in the packaged game
I can confirm this issue still exists, what I tried before is using UE4Editor.exe with -game and -server command. But if you use a packaged build, server will crash just like said.
I’m using the latest 4.12 branch, which is 4.12.2 now.
I too can confirm this Error.
Like i saw it happens if you got circular dependent Classes that are updated from another UE version.
if you full delete everything and do it on ue 4.12, then it works. But basically it should be fixxed. I dont wont to update about 30000 blueprint functions x.x
I believe we need to provide a repro project as per this guide. My project is quite big, I’m currently trying to make a smaller repro project, but don’t know if I manage to do that.
Here are the crash log and minidump:
Thank you for looking up that guide, . Having a reproduction project would eliminate the need for me to find the exact cause of the problem and create one of my own, meaning I can get a bug report in immediately and have a developer who would know much more about the subject looking at the issue as soon as possible.
Hi ,
I’ve found some quick repro steps that you can use:
Repro Steps
You will need a source-build 4.12+ engine (I used 4.12.1)
Done! Test the game in editor with “Run Dedicated Server” checked - it launches fine. Now you can build the dedicated server and package the game. The dedicated server in the packaged game will crash instantly when the client connects.
Just in case, here are the steps I used to build and launch the dedicated server:
I’ve attached the repro project in case you need it.
Thank you for the detailed reproduction steps. I’ve reproduced the issue and will be placing a bug in for the issue shortly. I’m currently testing to ensure that it is new to 4.12 and also testing to see if it works or not on our latest internal build. I’ll get back to you all soon with the results of that.
Thank you everyone for your help in getting this bug reported. This still occurs in our latest internal build so I’ve placed a report in under the number UE-31850. Unfortunately, since I don’t know the exact cause, I can’t provide anything in the way of a workaround at the moment. I’ll be sure to update you all whenever any changes are made to the report.
Have a nice day!
Any update on UE-31850 please? We really need this fixed badly. Thanks
Any updates on this please? We’ve got a project ready for an update release on Steam here completely on hold because of this issue.
As I mentioned, when any changes are made to the bug report or if we have more information, I’ll update you here. Until then, there isn’t much I can say. It may be helpful to look into the information that posted as he seems to of found a workaround.
Ok, thanks . Btw, what/where/who is that info “Zeiten” has posted pls?
Looking for an update as we are having this issues as well.
It seems like deleted it. While I can’t just bring their post back, I’ll post what I remember.
They attempted reproducing the same issue in 4.12.2 but included starter content, although mentioned not to. According to them, including that Starter Content worked around the issue that we’re seeing here. Through more testing, they added that it wasn’t necessarily the Starter Content, but the map it was on. They added a new level with Basic Atmospheric Fog, a simple cube, and a player start. After doing that, it worked fine.