Actually even if you do it like said.
You fix that one crash problem, but others appear. For Example for me : Packaged Server then cannot spawn the Pawns because it says “cannot spawn because of collision” even on a completly empty map if you set the PlayerStart to a Point where nothing is.
After you switched all Default Classes to new Classes the Errors dissapear. But you would have to rewrite your whole game in 4.12 what isnt what its expected to be or?
Thats why he deleted the Post i think.
Actually noone with a bit bigger project can run dedicated servers from it
Unfortunately if we can’t find a workaround, the only thing I can suggest is to revert to an earlier version of the editor where the crash didn’t happen. The bug will be reviewed and fixed in due time but there’s no guarantee on when the fix will be made or integrated at this time.
Currently this bug is marked as Backlogged and isn’t getting much attention. I’m making an effort to get some more attention put on it since it is blocking a few people and is a regression from 4.11. To try to get an accurate example of how many people this is affecting, can anyone being affected by this (since I imagine not everyone has posted) put an upvote on the original question? I’ll give an update on the status when I know more.
Actually, in testing this, I’m not able to get it to occur any longer with 4.12.5’s source. Have any of you tried that version? If so, are you getting the same results?