hi all, this is a follow-up as a separate thread from here
here is some copy paste of the last relevant comments
`fmaacmab: hi Doug, I extended AnimInstance, made a blueprint out of it, and added a custom notify at the last frame of my animation, which correctly populated NotifyQueue.AnimNotifies. so custom notifies seem to be working. For now this manual workaround works for me, as I don’t have that many animations this early in preproduction.
Would you mind confirming that this is a known issue, and that there are plans to rectify it in future releases ( if not already on the roadmap, I apologize if I missed it ). If needed for your lab, I can provide my project.`
Doug: Can you explicitly state what you believe the issue to be? The original issue for this post / bug report entered (UE-31744) was a result of PrimaryActorTick.AddPrerequisite(Mesh, Mesh->PrimaryComponentTick); missing from the BeginPlay() function of Juice-Tin's original project. After adding this line of code, the original project functioned as expected. Additionally, having a copy of your project to test against would be helpful in the investigation of the issue.
Martin: There are currently no known issues with this. There isn't a lot to go on in your posts and from what you have described it should work. If you could make an example project displaying your issue that we could then debug here that would be really helpful :)
and now the conclusion:
here it’s the project without the custom end event for anim notify set on mh_m_am_idle_tw_v6 animation
here is the same identical project with only one difference: there is a notify manually set on the last frame of mh_m_am_idle_tw_v6 animation.
in the project without the custom event the message LogWarning("End Event at the last frame fires!" + FloatToString(GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds()));
never fires
whereas in the project with the custom event the message fires every 5.3 seconds as expected
please let me know. Thanks~