4.12 and Translucency

Hi everyone.
I just converted my scene to 4.12 from 4.7, and everything seems to work well, except for Translucent materials. The reflections seem to ignore the surrounding props, even though props next to it have the correct reflections.
What am I missing here?

The magnifying glass on the right has translucent material.

I am having the same issues

Reflections seem to be broken for translucent materials in 4.12

Ah, I see. Thank you for the information. I hope they fix it soon.

Hey guys,
Thanks for the report. We’ll be looking into this soon.

Still having this issue after having patched :confused:

Have taken a proper look at the glass in scene, and they seem to have both the reflections that they should have, AND the reflections of the sky outside.
Does anyone know why this is?

Turned out that this was an issue with the SkyLight.
Thanks to this thread - Indoor Reflection Problem - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums
I managed to make it static instead of stationary, which solved my issue.