I am having trouble finding any information for enabling the GoogleVRHMD Plugin for iOS. I have been able to successfully develop for Android using the GoogleVR plugin and it has been great. I would like to produce the same application for iOS. So I have been told that the binary version is missing the necessary libraries to package this VR plugin for iOS at this time and an bug has been submitted (UE-32126). However, I was told that the source version of the engine does have the correct libraries necessary to package GoogleVR for iOS, so this question now pertains to this process, as I’m not familiar with xcode. I have successfully (I think) installed the source 4.12.3 UE version and created a new xcode project. Then I migrated in my project and compiled the code and refreshed the xcode project, in editor, and, in xcode, I selected my project and my mac for the target scheme. Then I went to product > build> profiling for building the project in xcode for development. The build was successful, so I went to product> run and this opened my project in UE4 source 4.12.3 editor. This is where I proceeded to package the project for iOS after confirming that my project settings and the GoogleVR Plugin was enabled. The project packaged successfully and I moved the ipa into itunes to install to my device. Everything went smoothly here and the app is on my phone. Then, I start the app on my phone and the splash screen starts, a black screen pops up for loading quickly, and then the initial scene comes on. However, the screen is not split for stereo for GoogleVR, there is no settings button on screen like the other application, and the head-tracking does not work. Its just a static image of the scene. So my only assumption can be that the GoogleVRHMD plugin is missing for some reason. I have attached the package log which shows some errors that I highlighted in reference to the axis input. Can anyone guide me through what I am doing wrong in the xcode project or xcode settings or xcode packaging? OR can anyone confirm that, even with the source version, GoogleVRHMD does not work on iOS at this time? Any quick help would be greatly appreciated as I have looked through the answerhub and forums and see nothing that is fixing my problem.
The 4.13 Preview release now allows iOS to package for cardboard with the GoogleVR plugin! However, this feature has only been successful for me with projects developed on a mac. I cannot get a successful build of a windows based project; Both tests were done with first person shooter template blueprint projects.
Do you know if this is something wrong with my settings and/or if this is possible to build for on windows? The error in the build says that
“Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: Unabled to build Project C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.13\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface\MobileDeviceInterface.csproj. Project file not found.”
And it is correct :), this file is not there. Is there a place where I can find this file to relocate?
I appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay in response. Have you tried using rsync? You’ll need to get Delta Copy and set up remote building on your Mac for your Windows machine to compile with.
No worries :). Thanks for getting back with me. I know nothing about rsync. However, after looking it over a bit, it seems to only be an old solution for iOS packaging on windows projects. After your advice, I downloaded the source 4.13 preview 1 on my windows and did realize that the error for packaging with GoogleVR on windows for iOS now changes. Instead of the “mobiledeviceinterface” file not being found (it is located in the correct place with source version), it does bring up the mac compilation necessity. But you think that packaging my windows project with GoogleVR plugin enabled using rsync with my mac will allow a successful build?
My guess is this will still generate an .ipa that has the same bugs as the .ipa my mac produces for iOS with GoogleVR enabled? Those being that the app crashes after about 15-20 secs of no movement and of course the media player issue 4.13 is having currently for mac?
Rsync is how you’d remote build on your Windows machine from your Mac machine. So all of the compiling and building would be done on the Mac and transferred back to your Windows and create the .ipa that you need for your project.
Ok, thanks for the explanation. In my case, I can already just build the project straight from my mac. Although, I suppose remote building may help the media player issue that is currently found with Mac for the 4.13 preview version. However, it doesn’t seem likely that the bug for GoogleVr enabled iOS builds crash would be fixed. Still worth a try! I will test it.
Has the iOS GoogleVR bugs been recorded to be fixed yet? I don’t know how to report these, but I have tested even new projects on a Mac machine packaged with GoogleVR enabled for iOS and it works, but eventually the app crashes even when the app is just running without inputs.
Yes, I understand this. This is strictly speaking about iOS cardboard usage. However, I don’t know if the bug has been reported that all applications that use the GoogleVr Plugin for iOS cardboard development crash after a certain amount of time within the app.
I was able to reproduce this by opening a new fps template for blueprint projects on binary or source and then setting up iOS mobile provisions to test on device. And the only other thing I did was enable GoogleVR plugin. Then after packaging for iOS, the app works on cardboard but crashes when left alone for 10 seconds or so.
This is the same thing that happens with a few other apps that I have created for iOS cardboard. But these do not crash and work really well on Android devices.
Please advise, maybe I’m missing something or this bug needs to be reported to be fixed for next preview of 4.13.
So new update to this. Today, I was able to test the new 4.13 Preview 2 to see if some fixes were released.
On a mac machine for iOS cardboard development, now the package fails stating that “Cannot create /Users/(username)/Desktop/test2/Binaries/IOS/Payload/test2.app/test2 because a file with the same name already exists.” This even happens with brand new projects where there is no binaries files until the first package attempt. Seems like its trying to create the same file twice which causes this error.
However, oddly enough, I did have one successful build on a brand new project, but have not been able to repeat it… That successful build does not crash tho like the builds on Preview 1. So I’m not sure if this is a win or fail from Epic yet! Ha.
Then on a windows machine, I’m using the source 4.13 Preview 2, and with this test it is now requiring rsync for packing for iOS??? Please tell me that will not be the final solution and we will still be able to package for iOS on our windows machines… Currently in Preview 1 I can package to iOS with my windows machine, but will not allow the attempt with Preview 2. Hopefully this is a hotfix.
So, no new progress necessarily, but it does seem like things are being worked on. I would love an update and any information you have on these points.
Update: It seems the Mac machine binary 4.13 Preview 2 can package for iOS cardboard using GoogleVR plugin, however, the issue above happens (for some reason) when you add a Movies folder and .mov file to the project. Otherwise, I have been able to successfully build this way.
Hopefully this bug can be reported and fixed soon?
Also, I’m still interested to hear about the Windows machine problems.
On Windows machines, if you’re trying to build for source, you need to use rsync (remote building) with a Mac machine in order for it to package successfully. If you’re just creating a blueprint project, you shouldn’t need rsync set up.
So I set up a project on Windows and on Mac. On Windows, I added a .mov file into a movie folder like you stated and I did not receive any building error when packaging the project. On the Mac, I did the same thing and it packaged without any errors. It did take a while, most likely due to being a Macbook Air.
I understand what you mean. However, even using completely new blueprint project for 4.13.0 Preview 3, binary or source, with GoogleVR plugin enabled requires that the windows machine package using rsync. This is not the case for 4.12.5. Hopefully, this gets fixed so we can package for iOS cardboard using GoogleVR plugin directly from the windows machine like before. Any ideas?
On my mac machine using binary 4.13.0 Preview 3, I have been able to successfully package for iOS cardboard using the GoogleVR plugin, even while having a .mov file within the Movies folder. However, I cannot get the .mov file working as a media player texture yet. Seems to crash when I do try. Any documentation on this?
Also, I would like to test if rsync works as a remedy and work around for now, so I can use media textures. Can’t test as of now because the forums site is down with the link you sent me with directions, but I will try soon.
I tested with a blueprint project in 4.12.5 and 4.13.0 Preview 3 and both projects need remote building once GoogleVR plugin is enabled. If a plugin is created in code and the binary for Mac isn’t available for it, then it’ll still need to be built by X Code on a Mac through remote building.
So your options are to either create your project on a Mac and package it there, or remote build once you’re finished on your Windows machine.
Let me know if you’re having trouble with rsync/remote building.
Unfortunately, all iOS packages with the GoogleVR Plugin enabled crash after about a minute running with the new release of 4.13.0. It seems to be the exact same issue as the Preview 1 of 4.13. However, it was fixed in 4.13 preview 2 and 3? Any ideas or will there be a hot fix for this??
Also, I have been able to successfully get media textures working on iOS and cardboard with the 4.13.0 release! So now the only problem is the same with preview 1, the crash of iOS applications using GoogleVR plugin. Even blank projects will do this. Same steps as preview 1, but I’ll repeat them here to have them in one place.
I was able to reproduce this by opening a new fps template for blueprint projects on binary or source and then setting up iOS mobile provisions to test on device. And the only other thing I did was enable GoogleVR plugin. Then after packaging for iOS, the app works on cardboard but crashes when left alone for 10 seconds or so.
I even took a project that I packaged during Preview 3, that was working well, and tried to repackage with the 4.13 release now, and the new ipa also crashes after about a minute of running. And it is the exact same project files as the working ipa from preview 3.
I really hope there is a quick fix to this!!! We have a VR Event that we are showcasing this project at and wanted to have iOS and Android devices availability for consumers.
So I pushed a sample First Person Template project from 4.13.0 binary to an iOS device. I have not encountered a crash yet. Would you please provide me logs from your device?