Branch: binary
Build version: 4.11.0-2810555+++UE4+Release-4.11
Problem 1. Any new or existing material with tessellation enabled from a converted 4.10 project fails to compile with error messages:
MaterialEditorStats:Error: Error [SM5] DepthOnlyVertexShader.usf(140,29): error X3018: invalid subscript ‘EyeIndex’
MaterialEditorStats:Error: Error [SM5] BasePassVertexShader.usf(86,29): error X3018: invalid subscript ‘EyeIndex’
Problem 2. Any new or existing material in a newly created 4.11p1 project fails to render without shader compiler error message:
Steps to reproduce (Problem 2):
- Launch 4.11p1
- Create a blank BluePrint project with starter content
- Edit the M_Chair starter content to enable tessellation and save → no shader error message, but the chair doesn’t render.
- Create a new material, give it a visible base color and save, then enable tessellation and save → no shader error messge, but the material preview is blank.