A few rendering / post-process issues have occurred in the latest build of out game and I think rendering the arrow component (of a blueprint) in game has been the cause.
With the arrow component set to visible in game the scene’s Ambient Occlusion disappears, the Screen Space Reflections become more powerful and the the Bloom intensifies. With the arrow component set to hidden in game the issues do not occur.
The arrow component was being used on a blueprint actor with a projectile movement that is functioning as a grenade. The arrow was being used to test/debug the rotation and direction of the actor. This actor is spawned on a button press and the rendering issues only exist during it’s lifetime.
This issue is far from game breaking, but did cause us plenty of confusion whilst trying to test the grenade blueprints.
Attached below should be:
- an image of the Blueprint Actor,
- an image of the correct rendering,
- an image of the correct rendering with Screen Space Reflections,
- an image of the resulting incorrect rendering,
- an image of the resulting incorrect rendering with Screen Space Relections