4.11.0 Player character camera is on the floor

I can not compile it at all on 4.11! I use Follow HMD Orientation in my blueprints and it causes a compile error! Looks like it has been removed? Any ideas why?

I’m having the same issue, camera is at root of my pawn position, doesn’t use the camera component location.

Found new documentation about the new VR camera setup. It explains how to solve the height problems of the camera:


Unless I missed something this still doesn’t explain how to control the camera’s height in VR.

Also, Im noticing a strange very subtle offset when turning my head in VR in 4.11p5, as if my head is being turned around my neck’s center point, but 8 inches behind it -._0- period being pivot point, neck position, and the ‘0’ being my head. The effect becomes more pronounced if you raise the camera using capsule half height (which is still the only way I know to position the cam in VR, I’ve read the article twice)

It also says “If you are creating a new VR project using UE 4.11 or later, the camera will already be setup to be in sync with the HMD as this functionality is now enabled by default” I can’t see a VR template in 4.11p5…

Hey what do you mean exacly about not seeing templates in 4.11p5? I wrote that document so if there is something that you find confusing please let me know what it is so I can fix it.

Thank you for finding this. That fixes the camera height indeed, simple and easy.

the camera refactor is great, attaching objects in the view of the camera works great, and now we know how to control the height that is easy too…

As said in the docs you just need to have a scene component between your pawn root and the camera, and offset that one.

Thanks, I will give that a try. I guess I was looking for something more lamen…

Hey Sam, I just meant that I wasn’t seeing a template specific to VR. Since the wording was "“If you are creating a new* VR project* using UE 4.11 or later, the camera will already be setup to be in sync with the HMD…” I assumed you meant creating a VR specific project from a VR template. I do see the old templates. I misread what you wrote.

Ahh okay glad you got it sorted out.

I’m obviously a complete idiot but I still (now 4.11.0) can’t get my VR cam view off the ground. I don’t understand the documentation. It says it’s enabled by default when creating a new project in 4.11.0 but VR preview still puts me on the ground. I don’t understand how and where to insert a scene component between my pawn root and camera. Could someone just outline the steps to get my camera off the ground in a 1st person BP created project? 4.11.0…Like I’m a 3 year old. I’m begging here…pleaase help me. PLEEEASE!!! :confused:

So I solved this issue with settings. I attached the Camera to the head socket and set it up the where I wanted it. Next I unticked lockhmd. I tried a bunch of ways to get it to work but my issue became the camera moving from the floor to the upper right side of the characters head. So I just set up the camera like a true first person camera and it is fine. Basically you attach the camera and set control pawn rotation and in your character base yaw set to pawn rotation.


In your character blueprint, insert a scene component. Set Z to whatever the camera height should be.
Then drag the camera and attach it to the scene component.

Thanks . Works now. I didn’t realize there was a utility called “scene”. I kept trying to add a cube that was placed in my scene assuming that was what was meant by a “scene component”…yes, I’m an idiot

OK, I’m having a similar problem. I’ve added a scene componenet, set the height to 180 cm and I am now touching the roof?

I know I could probably alter this to a lower amount to cheat? But I would like to know how to do it properly so I can adjust the height in the future.


*OK, I’m having a similar problem. I’ve added a scene componenet, set the height to 180 cm and I am now touching the roof?

I know I could probably alter this to a lower amount to cheat? But I would like to know how to do it properly so I can adjust the height in the future.

You did it right, for me this did not work at first, but i made a mistake where i still had some Blueprint setups for my camera elsewhere which i had to delete. I did also create a player start. Is good to mention i was editing an older level from last year for which i used a DK2. Now i use the CV1 Oculus Rift, and somehow only this map brought these problems after migrating it into my recent project.

Hey guys, here’s what works for me… super simple!

  1. Open your “VR Pawn” blueprint
  2. Right-click on the “Event Graph” select the “Set Tracking Origin” node
  3. choose the “Floor Level” option in the drop-down menu
  4. connect this node to your “Event Begin Play” node

That should give you an accurate placement of the HMD according to your real world HMD position.
So, no need to use any offsets to the capsule or eye height in order to cheat the position.

Hope that helps!

What makes movement direction follow hmd? I checked/uncheked so many things now that I’m lost. InnervisionVR method helped with the height but now my character goes in its direction (only affected by mouse) and not where I look with hmd too.

Also I noticed my sensor is not detecting correctly when I move my head a bit forward/backward. Probably another thing I checked/unchecked :frowning: