3D progress bar casting shadow

For a sec I was like “what is this person even talking about?!” and then I noticed the property is not actually exposed correctly… You can do it like this:




Working with this progress bar over my buildings and I cant figure out how to make it stop casting a shadow.

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You can turn off Cast Shadow for individual actors in the details tab. If its a blueprint make sure you select the mesh inside the blueprint.


Thank you worked perfectly. yeah when I didn’t see anything in the details panel besides the mobile csm shadows thing I figured I was missing something.

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Ya that was the whole problem for a 3D widget that isn’t in the details panel. The variable for it is not exposed.

Yes I answered straight after you posted your question, before you clarified that the cast shadows variable was not exposed, but the reply has only come through now.

I wonder if the missing flag is a new feature in UE 4.24 or it’s always been missing. I was under the impression it has always been there until you pointed out it actually is not. Oh well.

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Not working with UE5.0. What a shame. Such simple stuff not working…

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In 5.1 the property is still not exposed correctly and you have to do the little work-around, but at least that works.

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This cast shadow property still hasn’t been exposed in 5.2.1.

for those confused still