3D Organic, Mechanical Parts Kitbash Packs for Characters, Creatures, Plants, Vehicles, Weapons, Machines, Props...

I posted this request in hopes of inspiring experienced 3D talent to author 3D Kit-Bashing Parts Packs of various Theme, Design, ArtStyle:

  • Organic : Character, Creatures, and Plants
    • Armor and Clothing Kits
  • Mechanical : Robots, Vehicles, Weapons, Machines

Give us more Modular Packs for Characters, Creatures, Plants, Vehicles, Weapons, Machines, Props.

**Run-time Kit-bashing is the future work-flow, **And the era of single mesh molding/forming 3D models is coming to an end…

High Density Modularity is the assembly of 3D Entities from large granular sets of Mesh Part & Pieces to create massive variation. These parts are then loaded into the Engine for Assembly and optimization. We are already seeing this modular assembly in 3D Character Creation systems like DAZ3D, iClone, Manuelbastioni Lab for Blender, and Make Human. I believe we’ll see even smaller parts/pieces to customize Clothing and Armor for Clothing Generation System similar to MarvelousDesigner.

I predict that we’ll start to see specialty model assembly systems for other Entities such as Firearms, Melee Weapons, Vehicles, Crafts, Architecture and more modular asset packs in marketplaces. In fact we already see various modular Architecture packages. No longer will you need to model all of the vehicle parts, you will be able to load them, attach them to a chassis and modify the part as desired. Similar to a real-world model car kit. You will also be able to distribute the assembly, like a real-world vehicle assembly line.

The move in this direction will support Player personalization which is rising in demand. Even for games such as Pro Sports and High narrative that normally rely on pre-designed characters, will allow Players to personalize the look of the Entities and Environment. Player personalization will become the standard in the future. The next step in this Personalization is Social Personalization at the Entity Level. In other words, Friends and Family share in the customization of a single Character, weapon, etc.

Give us more Modular Packs for Characters, Creatures, Plants, Vehicles, Weapons, Machines, Props.

4.5 years later. I still dont see 3D Organic, Mechanical Parts Kitbash Packs for Characters, Creatures, Machines, Weapons, Vehicles, Props in the Unreal Marketplace.

Looks like another void that Generative AI is going to fill like this AI Generated Pack.

Give us more Modular Packs for Characters, Creatures, Plants, Vehicles, Weapons, Machines, Props.

A SHOUT OUT to I.G.F iron gear factory for Modular Robot Asset in the Market.


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