Hello Everyone,
I am creating a Game that i might be selling, but as an individual developer its getting harder and harder for me to develop all the 3D models for my game.
So my question is: can i use the models or the assets provided in the example projects in the Learn Tab and the assets from the free products provided in the marketplace such as “Realistic Rendering, Blueprints, Landscape Mountains … etc …” for my game which i could be selling ?
and also can anyone please refer me a good website where i can download additional Free 3d models for my Commercial game ?
currently i am using the website http://tf3dm.com/ for the Models, but can i use their models for a game that i would be selling, can i use these models for Commercial use (Meaning for my game which i would be selling) ?.
I just do not want end up with copyright issues
My English is not so well, so please excuse me if i my statements are incorrect.
Thanks in advance everyone
Love unreal Engine