(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

None that I see, since I’m able to select the verticies of any mesh in project if I select it. Like you said, it’s just odd that some meshes while selected won’t let me highlight verticies of other meshes for me to snap to. Here is a picture.

The mesh on the right is the problem mesh (with 92 verticies). The one on the left doesn’t have many either. I don’t have the total, but feel confident in under 200. In the left side of the image, I selected the left mesh, and hovered my cursor over the right mesh’s vertex (hence the blue square). works fine, and I can snap the left mesh to the right mesh on that vertex. In the right side of the image, I have the selected the right mesh same vertex and wanted to snap it to the same vertex on the left mesh, but (although you can’t see the cursor) the blue square does not appear even when I hover over it. In fact, none of the verticies of any mesh will highlight for that particular mesh being selected. So I’m unable to snap any vertex on the right mesh to any vertex on any other mesh.

Dear Midnight,

I can confirm that the BP node does not work in packaged game, the function is returning false,

but I can also state that the CPP version works!!!

is a bug that Epic will have to address :slight_smile:

I will post a answer hub on it shortly

I dont know what to do about just yet as I cannot reproduce it on my side, I will keep thinking about it though! If you learn anything else about which meshes end up not being responsive let me know!

Hi. I did everything mentioned on thread to build a packaged game using the nodes to grab screen resolutions, but it simply won’t work on built games. Could you explain a bit cleaner how to build a package using these blueprints?

You should comment in thread of mine


I am asking Epic to help me get the Screen Resolutions node working because there seems to be a bug on Epic’s side that I can do nothing about on my side.

If you want the Get Screen Resolutions node to work you should support that answer hub post :slight_smile:

You could also comment in feedback thread:


Would you be able to supply a version that works with the 4.3 source ? As with the 4.2.1 “Official” build AdMob and GameCenter don’t work. And I build some functions that depend on your Victory Plugin.

To recompile a plugin is pretty easy (but not obvious):

  1. If there are major engine changes it can break plugins easily (4.2 -> 4.3), and will need to be updated by plugin author. But any minor releases should be fine.
  2. You have to have Visual studio 2013 installed
  3. The plugin must contain the source, in the “source” folder.

To recompile the plugin with what ever version of the engine you are running:

  1. Make sure it is enabled in the plugins section.
  2. Only for “BP only” projects where there is no code:
  • File -> Add code to project, I use “none” and just keep hitting next and add the “MyClass”.
  • Select Yes if you would like to edit code.
  1. Make sure you open your project in visual studio (already for you in previous step), it should be the PROJECT solution file for visual studio


  1. Right click on your project name under Games -> “Unreal43Project” [the name of your project]. Then Select build. It will recompile the project and plugins :slight_smile:

With that being said: Just to note there are some problems:

  1. There are some changes that needs to fix, i’ll look into it later about to run out the house.
  2. The OVERRIDE macro was changed to override in 4.3 and is an easy fix. Refactor “OVERRIDE” -> “override” and it goes away.

Thanks for but goes a bit above me at moment :frowning: and there’s no source for the VictoryPlugin just a download with the dll …

Other than that compiling 4.3 works fine, but how ever when i try to package my project for it fails the build each with a error msg.

Guess I have to wait for Epic to really start supporting the indie development scene by enabling/fixing the GameCenter and AdMob functionality that isn’t working in 4.2.1

I have included the source code with every single version of the plugin that I’ve ever released!

You should look more carefully through the download :slight_smile:

I just downloaded it myself to double check

It’s under the “Source” folder

Make sure you use the download I provide in thread.


So compiling your plugin with the 4.3 source gives me the following error’s and warnings




So like i asked kindly in several PM’s it’s not as easy as putting your source in the plugins folder and rebuilding. So if there’s anybody out here that has a solution or is willing to compile 's plugin (as he’s not up to it for now) with the 4.3 source it would be very helpful.



You are probably not using the Editor mode for your project anyway, so just delete the Editor portion

delete the Stuff in Source/VictoryEdEngine

and open file:


and delete module


"Name" : "VictoryEdEngine",
"Type" : "Editor",
"LoadingPhase" : "PreDefault"


and also realize I am a very busy person so if I can’t respond to you on your sense of it is not a personal slight, its cause I am busy

And also because you are asking for 4.3 support before it is even officially out yet

I share what I can with the Community for free, when I have available to do so.

No one has paid me to share what I share with Community, keep that in mind.

If you are interested in contracting my assist in a paid format send me a pm.

Two New Nodes

On Answerhub someone requested these nodes:

Get Controller ID ~ takes in player controller and gives the ULocalPlayer’s ControllerID

Get Player State PlayerID ~ returns the replicated unique PlayerID for the supplied Player Controller!

bool PlayerController_GetControllerID(APlayerController* ThePC, int32& ControllerID);
bool PlayerState_GetPlayerID(APlayerController* ThePC, int32& PlayerID);


4 New Nodes

** of Float Array

of Int Array

Min of Float Array

Min of Int Array**

Returns the /min value as well as the index in the array of that value!

See pic!


[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Featured BP Nodes
Trace Data**

I’ve designed several BP nodes to make doing traces easier!

Again you can download and use these nodes as a plugin, even in non-C++ project!

Get Trace Data From Skeletal Mesh Socket


Oh dang, very nice . That’s one thing, during my making sure multiplayer works right for my game, that I found kinda annoying.

I ended up having to pass along the character reference to places where having the controller index for the client would have been perfect.

If, that is, these work how I’m thinking (but it seems like they would).

Glad you like it! Hee hee!

Featured Node

Trace for Closest Socket

Perform a trace against a mesh that will identify the closest socket to the trace hit location on the mesh!


Not 4.3 Yet

I will let you know when I’ve updated my plugin to 4.3 !


Updated To 4.3

Both the Vertex snap mode and the Victory BP Library are updated to the full 4.3 release now!


Can someone please verify that my 4.3 version is working with the installer-downloaded version of 4.3 engine?

Just wanted to quickly drop by and say a really big thanks. Really needed that Set Mouse Position function so I could use the default mouse, and therefore the default hitboxes, it simplified my UI blueprints a tonne!