(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

can you post a picture of which nodes you are talking about and how to access them?

I have to find them in the C++ code base to know how to work with them :slight_smile:

4 New Nodes

** of Float Array

of Int Array

Min of Float Array

Min of Int Array**

Returns the /min value as well as the index in the array of that value!

See pic!



These are the 3 nodes I’m talking about. They are iOS only it might be nice to get AdMob to work as well / like choose a provider dropdown or something. IMHO it’s strange only iOS adds are working now…

Hi there!

I don’t think the functionality for Admob exists yet, and these expeirmental nodes have comment in the code base

"(iOS only;  function will be renamed or moved in a future release)"

I’d recommend taking picture you posted and posting in the Feedback thread about your concerns regarding AdMob


Hey can I propose something , I think it will be nice to have a node for Arrays Get Random and Get Random from Stream both with a bool input for Don’t get the same element twice (for looping scenarios)

But how did they get the add’s to work with then on Android?

If you look at the release post here: Shipping Tappy Chicken - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
You will see that

I just can’t see it?

Another link: Admod and Chartboost Ad's I need support from the Community - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Still I don’t understand / know how to get AdMob working…

Not getting the same element twice is a bit tough cause in a blueprint node I can’t store any data.

You’d have to supply an array of ints of the indices that have been randomly obtained so far.

Good? or skip that part?

In the code base I see

void UKismetSystemLibrary::EXPERIMENTAL_ShowAdBanner(bool bShowOnBottomOfScreen)
	if (IAdvertisingProvider* Provider = FAdvertising::Get().GetDefaultProvider())

for the Kismet nodes you are using

Sounds like it should be finding Admob automatically and it is not

I suggest putting on Answerhub, stating what your is with Admob

44+ Extra BP Nodes For You!

No c++ required!

No compile required!

Download and plug in!



We also need an InString node.

@: your *Thick 3D Line * - is there any difference between and Draw Debug Line? Apart from vectors/actor being targets? Flushing debug lines affects your 3d line, for example.
When you were exposing it to blueprints, did you, by any , stumble upon draw circle/disc/other shapes? Consider it a request if you take any! =]

And, most importantly, thank you.

What do you mean exactly? Do you mean find a substring within another string?

You’re welcome!

Yes I am using DrawDebugLine, the only difference is that I made it faster/more convenient to draw a line between two actors :slight_smile:

Have fun today!

I don’t know if I have the latest version (I think so), but for some reason, I sometimes my mesh will not display a vertex to snap to. I highlight a mesh, select a vertex, press “V”, then hover over a vertex in another mesh, but the vertex doesn’t highlight. I’m curious as to why some meshes will do . Most don’t have problems, I’ve been able to snap meshes together just fine. particular mesh, at least part of the mesh doesn’t let me snap to it. Have you noticed ? I’ve tried hiding meshes but these two, just in case something was ‘blocking’ the vertex, but it still doesn’t show a blue square over it.

The resolution node does not work in a packed game, it returns 0 x 0 and the bool is false . It works in editor btw… I am on 4.2.1

oh wow that’s a big that I will need a solution for too!

Here’s the code:

It looks like

if(RHIGetAvailableResolutions(Resolutions, false))

is returning false!

That’s Epic’s function, I don’t know what to do about that :slight_smile:

I will work on and see what I can find out from Epic :slight_smile:

//Clear any Previous
	TArray<FString> Unique;	
	FScreenResolutionArray Resolutions;
	if(RHIGetAvailableResolutions(Resolutions, false))
		for (const FScreenResolutionRHI& EachResolution : Resolutions)
			FString Str = "";
			Str += FString::FromInt(EachResolution.Width);
			Str += FString::FromInt(EachResolution.Height);
			//Include Refresh Rates?
				Str += FString::FromInt(EachResolution.RefreshRate);
				//Skip!  is duplicate!
				//Add to Unique List!
			//Add to Actual Data Output!
			Widths.Add(			EachResolution.Width);
			Heights.Add(			EachResolution.Height);
			RefreshRates.Add(	EachResolution.RefreshRate);

		return true;
	return false;

Hi there!

Does your mesh have several 1000s verticies? If it is a very complex mesh, my plugin version wont activate due to cpu costs. I think the limit was around 12000 or so.

If not, try pressing the B key to "display " vertices, you can cycle among the three options

  1. no verticies displyed
  2. display only the hovered vertex
  3. display

Let me know!


I just compiled and packaged my game with some test code, and the resolutions function is actually working!

Are you using my latest plugin version?

If you are not absolutely sure that you are, please download my latest version.

In an older version of my plugin I was using a window-only version.

In fact

you could even check the source code for what you have, since I included it!

Please navigate to to Plugins/VictoryBPLibarary/Private/.cpp and open it and find the Resolutions function and post what code you have here, or see if it matches what I posted above.

Let me know!


Make sure your Build.CS has  in it or that could easily be the source of the you are having


PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string] { 


When you package your game  the code gets recompiled, even for my plugin, and if RHI and RenderCore are not included in your Build.CS that node wont work.

I would have thought you'd get a compile error though, but do check and let me know :)

Not by a long shot. In fact, it has 92. It’s really peculiar to explain too. So I don’t know if it’s an expected bug, or I’m doing something incorrectly.

Certain meshes will not function with snap-to correctly. For example, mesh (A) will allow me to select it’s verticies, but will not allow to snap it to other meshes (B). The other meshes (and that is of them) will not display their vertex while (A) still has an active vertex selected. works vice versa though. I can select any other mesh (B), select a vertex and snap it to a vertex from mesh (A).

A is not able to snap to B
B is able to snap to A

In example B is every other mesh that isn’t A. So it makes me think the problem lies in the mesh that refuses to snap. Once I get my meshes aligned, I hate to have that once mesh that won’t snap, because then it messes up my alignment of my other meshes. I have had strange happen to about 3 of my imported FBX files. And to clarify, only happens with some. The other meshes I have work just fine with the vertex snapping.

If doesn’t make sense let me know, and I’ll try to grab some screens of the in action.

That’s very odd! I"ve never encountered a static mesh that I could not obtain the vertices of!

If the mesh has small vertex count and it is simply just not working then I am not sure what the is, as I’ve never encountered that situation.

Is there anything usual about the meshes that can’t find their vertices?

Very strange!


is really cool, Thank you so much for for people to use! It helps me out a lot. :slight_smile: