(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Thanks a ton for !

Thanks <3

Why not just Switch on Name? Also, is there a list of these FNames and what HMD type they refer to?

Hello, . Again, Thanks for Your great work!
Right now I am continuing making screenshots with your nodes presentations here in forum pages, first pack of those I posted in post number 2129.
I am still beginner of UE4 learning, and I got question that i am sorry if it will be silly.
Question: you Custom Config INI Vars - can those be considered and used as alternative to BP Interfaces, for transfering variables between BPs?
Or that is not a good thought? Thank You.

Hello ! I made a “Help Screens”, screenshots from thread - posted plugin features, updates, usage, notes. Previously I had a post with about half of screens, now there are screens from pages 1 to 142. Screens include picture’s of 's BP nodes with his notes of usage, with some texts from that post. If there was large post, there will be 2 or 3 screenshots for one topic. Screenshots are named more or less to make sense what is it inside. screens are cropped, so, you don’t see my super secret bookmarks tree on the left side :slight_smile: Definitely there are some duplicates, sorry about that. Count of pictures is 200-something. Please give me some advice if there are wrong named files, or something important missing, etc. Bug report, please, so to speak.
Any other comments and suggestions welcome. I attached couple of partial listing examples, but full list is over 200 screenshots.
Thank you, , for those great additions to UE4, and thanks to other nice persons who contributed here.
Link to screenshots, distributed in two .ZIP files, each about 50MB:

Victory Plugin Load Errors / ApexDestruction

Sorry everyone I had Apex in the git version but not my local due to recent dev machine change, when I packaged it didn’t include the ApexDestruction :slight_smile:

Just add to the uplugin if you get ApexDestruction error

"Plugins" :
            "Name": "ApexDestruction",
            "Enabled": true

I will repackage soon

EDIT: I have now updated the 4.19 release in the original post of thread!


Thank you for creating wonderful resource @Thunder_Owl !


Thanks to YOU for those nodes. But, to be honest, even after screenshoting and , it is =still= kinda hard to keep in mind, what additional possibilities exists (and, there are others too, like “Low Entry Extended Library”, and “Morepork”
). And, in turn - sometimes I could even want to “request” for some node to implement, but then I think - maybe it exists already, I just need to remember where? :wink:

EDIT: real recent example of my thinking: would be nice to have node that can set line trace from actor’s front direction to any given axes angles, and set length. And, feed that to linetrace “end” input. But maybe such exists laready? :slight_smile: I am just too un-experienced to know for sure.

Hello again. I decided to ask what I already wondered in my previous post, no matter if it is maybe silly or just “wrong question”. I was thinking, making custom angle and direction line trace from actor is not very straightforward, but it involves just a math and trigonometry - so maybe it should not be hard to make a custom “node” like i imagine in illustration attached? I was searching around, maybe there is already something like that, but did not find such. Any thoughts on , please? Maybe it can be made? Or, if it exists, please point me to that? Thank You! :slight_smile:
EDIT: in that imagined node illustration, i forgot to edit to imagined name - “Make Trace” (“Draw Trace”).

I just tested the 4.19 release and I see that the “AnimatedVertex__GetAnimatedVertexLocations” node has been removed.

I hoped that I’d have to do was add the code back into the cpp/h files, however it’s failing to compile at: Mesh->ComputeSkinnedPositions(Locations); stating that it “function does not take 1 arguments”.

I just wondered how I can fix (what other arguments is it after?), or whether there’s an alternative way to get the array of vertices.


Hi !
thank you for that great plugin!
I have a question. How to unload the textures loaded by the function “LoadTexture2D_FromFileByExtension” ?

Hey, I heard a lot about you
Thanks for the stuff you are creating for the community!
Is there a way to choose the texture from an open-file-dialog? I want enable users to use their custom images

pls help. i don’t understand how to convert into Instanced Static Mesh by pressing “i” my own mesh. meshes by are convert but my dont convert. UE4.16

I am attempting to work with right now. I added the interface to two actors, set the teams to 1 and 2 with set Generic Team ID, and I have ai perception and stimulus set up. If I set the ai perception to find enemies, neutrals, and friendlies my actor is found. If it is set to just enemies the actor is not found. Am I missing a step?


Not that I am aware of.
Unfortunately the AI perception/stimulus system has various issues, some of which are related to the way it uses / doesn’t use the IGenericTeamAgentInterface.

We have various comments and fixes in our source relating to these, along with some colourful language :expressionless:

Glad to see your plugin is alive and become a really indispensable thing for such amount of UE4 users.

But I have a next question.
There is a thing we, BP only users, still don’t have even as affordable paid plugin.
I’m about a custom AI tick based pathing with jumping logic like you’ve described in wiki

there’s a lot of BP only users like me, who can, in the best case, copypaste some code and even modify it a little,
but who are completely helpless when something goes wrong during compilation.

Maybe we can somehow motivate you to build it as a plugin?
I’m not speaking about free one like Victory, but a paid marketplace one,
or maybe we could organize some crowdfunding to compensate and efforts

Everything have it’s price in money and , so please, tell us, if there is a possibility you can spend your for such a plugin, and if yes, what’s the price.

Hi, is it possible to load an image from a web server by adding the URL adress in the “Full File Path” in the “Victory Load Texture 2D from file”?

No, it will only load off the local computer.

So, I’m having weird where:
In editor when we try to call to load a string from our Engine.ini Screenshot - f3d2e423949f98bf0b93d831f8e9d5f2 - Gyazo
It works in editor and standalone mode. But when I attempt to do it when we package the game for distribution, it doesn’t work. Like, the node gets fired off because the Test.txt file appears ( Screenshot - c47db4c7a2b8ac96932577ae6a959f65 - Gyazo and it makes that save text appear, but it just doesn’t work for what we need it to.

Has anyone managed to use the “Capture 2D Save Image” successfully? I’ve managed to get the load 2d texture node to work but with one havent had any success, I’ve tried various setups and file types but it never appears to save anything. Wondering if anyone knows a work around?


Hi there! I wanted to make sure to acknowledge your request :slight_smile:

Currently I don’t have the to update the multi-threaded AI Jumping logic to 4.19 and also make it BP-accessible.

A very exciting starting point though would be exposing more of the Nav Mesh core functions that would allow you to do your own calculations.

I will work on at my next opportunity.

Special thanks to @ for stopping by in thread!


 I was writing a small bit for creating a proc in BPs
 but you already have it here
 Thanks a bunch! I can’t wait to try out some of those other goodies too. Thanks to the other contributers as well.

You don’t have something in here that can log a WAN address and/or port do you? 
 Edit: Found on page 89 usage for the send/request node! Hells yeah! I’ve been putting these two things off forever
 and here I find you’ve it for us. Thank you sooooo much.

keep up the good stuff