UE4.15 Crash with DFGI Enabled

First Sorry For My Poor English.
Recently I’m Learning How to use DFGI,but I Find a Problem.
I Enable DFGI By Adding r.DistanceFieldGI=1 to ConsoleVariables.ini.
Here is My Level.

When I Set Mobility of the Skylight to Moveable,I got the Engine Crash.

Is This a Bug? Or I forget to set someting?

Hey JackTM,

So I researched your crash internally and the callstack your crash is producing is tied to a known and reported issue. You can view the reported issue by following the link I have provided below.


In short, the DFGI feature is not yet supported so we expect there to be issues at this stage in its existence. Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


Thanks,Maybe I should use DFGI after Engine Completely Support it

Yeah, that would be the ideal option. I am not sure when the feature will be complete as it has been in development for some time, but we are aware it is not production ready in its current state.