I was wondering how I could achieve something like this in Unreal Engine:
Or is it even possible?
Or are there any finished projects I can take a look?
Best Regards,
I was wondering how I could achieve something like this in Unreal Engine:
Or is it even possible?
Or are there any finished projects I can take a look?
Best Regards,
What you’re seeing there is Matterport. A specialized camera system that records images and depth information to build a 3D image representation. (Photogrammetry( They also have hot spot controls to switch to different positions.
You can do something similar in Unreal (tour through a location) but you would have to build the house interior either manually (very time consuming) or use photogrammetry (and clean up) as well. You can use Reality Capture or one of the specialty apps on iPhone/iPad but expect a lot of clean up.
I am looking for this for days… I found some people do this without Matterport using other softwares. make 3d model bake materials and lights and make some number of 360 panoramas. Put panoramas inside that baked interior and you got it. I would really like to do this in Unreal because everything else is outside unreal so it would be less time consuming than building whole 3d model and make it interactive in UE. Do you have more info on this or some plugin ?