So I get red squigglies inside the button class in UnrealEngine.digest after last patch in all my projects. I can still launch the session normally though.
Please select what you are reporting on:
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Don’t know if that happens for newly created projects. It’s apparent for pre 34.10 projects though.
- Open existing project’s verse code
- Go to UnrealEngine.digest.verse
- scroll to button class declaration (button := class(widget):))
- observe cool red squigglies in “OnClick():listenable(widget_message) = external {}” method declaration.
Expected Result
no red squigglies:)
Observed Result
visible red squigglies
I guess all that use verse
Upload an image
Additional Notes
Editor Session seems to work fine. All the UI buttons also work fine. I guess it’s not that all critical. Just heart attack giving when you see them.
YES - restarted the Editor
YES - verified files
YES - switch my PC off and on again
just in case have a great day.