34.10 Update - Errors in UnrealEngine.digest.verse


So I get red squigglies inside the button class in UnrealEngine.digest after last patch in all my projects. I can still launch the session normally though.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Don’t know if that happens for newly created projects. It’s apparent for pre 34.10 projects though.

  1. Open existing project’s verse code
  2. Go to UnrealEngine.digest.verse
  3. scroll to button class declaration (button := class(widget):))
  4. observe cool red squigglies in “OnClick():listenable(widget_message) = external {}” method declaration.

Expected Result

no red squigglies:)

Observed Result

visible red squigglies :frowning:


I guess all that use verse

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Additional Notes

Editor Session seems to work fine. All the UI buttons also work fine. I guess it’s not that all critical. Just heart attack giving when you see them.
YES - restarted the Editor
YES - verified files
YES - switch my PC off and on again
just in case :wink: have a great day.

Hi @Croppa, this is a known issue. Fortnite Ecosystem v34.10 with Known Issues - #4 by Flak

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