3 questions regarding Tiling Materials

Hello all. I’m working in 3ds max and Substance Designer/Painter for my models. I have 3 questions which I seem I cannot find a solution, so if anyone knows to point me in the right direction:

  1. I use tiling textures of 1024 x 1024 to texture a model and make it appear more realistic instead of using 2K textures.
    The problem is, how can I paint additional normal materials on it if it’s tiling? The painted texture becomes tiled too.
    Example: Tile a wood planks texture across a floor, the result is pretty good. But, I’m unable to add screws and cracks on custom places in this way.
    I’m aware of Unreal decals, but I’m trying to avoid for such simple things as this.

  2. How can I make a peel plastered wall effect (completely 3D)? I know how to make a texture with normal to seem peeled, but I need a 3D peeling of the model,
    but not too much to affect performance since it’s for a PC game.

  3. Is 300 - 400 draw calls too much for a PC game? This is the maximum that we got, and our target minimum requirements is:
    Intel I3 with 6 GB RAM and Geforce GT 740.

Thanks ahead!

You would need to add another uv map to your model that has the entire floor “flattened out” (no reuse of UV space for tiling).
In your texture sample node you can select the uv channel for your texture.
Add a texture which uses that channel and paint your cracks on there…

you can layer textures on top of each other, so if you have a tiling wood texture and want to add some unique dirt and weathering across it without tiling the weathering then you can have a black and white mask to layer the dirt on top of the wood within the same material.

Oh, thank you. But, I’m still quite confused.
In 3ds max, I tile the UV by first making it okay in the UV Square and then I proportionally stretch it on all sides to get the tiling effect. So, to layer another texture on top of it, I should make a 3rd UV Channel with UVs inside the UV square, right? (I said 3rd since 2nd is used for lightmaps).

Yeah, if you have one UV channel where it’s scaled beyond the 1x1 space so that you can tile your materials then you’d need to create an additional UV channel where it fits within that 1x1 space so that you can add your painted detail so that the painted detail doesn’t get tiled as well.

DarthViper, you just saved me. THANK YOU!