I am trying to import a DDS file that contains two MIPs, one for 64x64 and one for 32x32 texture which will be used in the UI. The MIPS will allow for UI scaling without loss of quality.
I am using the Intel TextureWorks plugin with Photoshop to generate the file, with the two MIPs being in separate layers.
LogEditorFactories: Warning: -- import failed
LogEditorFactories: Performing atomic reimport of [C:/code/games/Arps/importSources/gui/cursors/search.dds]
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: Texture2D with ReimportTextureFactory (0 0 C:/code/[...]/gui/cursors/search.dds)
Error: DDS uses an unsupported format.
Error: Texture import failed
I am attaching a screenshot of the Intel tool, with the compression options expanded. I have tried most of them, including None, all with the same result.
What am I missing?