2D sprites/textures look completely different in shipped package (compared to development package)

Game mechanics work completely fine in both development and shipping packages. But 2D assets such as TileMaps and character assets look completely different. The hidden layer on the TileMap also shows up in the shipping package.



^ The purple columns are a collision layer that I set: “hidden in game”

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any way to fix this for shipping? Or should I just redistribute the development package instead of the shipping package? (It is a school project)

Also to add, the lighting is much stronger in the Shipped package version, although I have no light components in the Levels (almost like the exposure is turned way up, or like theres some extra bloom / glow).

I still haven’t found a solution to this issue, anyone have any ideas on how this can be fixed?

I am sorry that you are having issues with the game and textures. Have you set the textures to use the correct settings, for example: nearest neighbour for pixels? Is the resolution any different now that you run the packaged game compared to the version you used before?

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Thank you so much! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that!

I managed to solve the other issues in my own way.

For anyone who has the same issue:

Blurry sprites/textures: Fixed easily by setting filtering to Nearest (under Details–>Texture–>Advanced)

Collision layer showing in tilemap: Set the alpha of the collision layer to 0. This way it will be transparent but still, allow collisions.

Increased gamma/bloom/brightness: Automatically fixed by setting the filtering to Nearest. I am guessing that this was a product of the blurriness somehow.


Glad I could help! :slight_smile:

Thanks, had same issue! Just to clarify this parameter located in texture object. Not sure if it’s possible set under global settings in “Project Settings”.
However, maybe via C++ could be forced per each object or smth…