[26.20] Non-spatially loaded actor references spatially loaded actor

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



After the v26.20, all Creative Devices that reference Creative Props throw the in-editor errors, “Non-spatially loaded actor references spatially loaded actor”. Prior to v26.20, this did not happen.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Load a previous project created before the release of v26.20 with devices that reference creative props.
  2. Notice the error log.

Expected Result

There should be no errors thrown. Or, there should be a way to resolve which isn’t clear.

Observed Result

For each creative device that references a creative prop, the above error is thrown in-editor.



Hey @agent_disco we’re aware of this issue and are working on a fix. These errors should hopefully not affect your projects in any way but if that’s not the case please let us know. Thanks!


Is this bug will affect all verse devices not working now? I have same issue and all verse device are not working now.

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FYI @HalcyonKnight96 the devices also error out randomly in vscode until you restart to code again

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I’m experiencing the same issue.
Each time I open my project I get the list of errors you’re mentioning, but fortunately they’re not preventing me from uploading the project (and everything is working as intended, for now :rofl:).

The status of UCB-1007 incident has been moved from ‘Awaiting Validation’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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Still seems to be an issue for me, i also think it is causing issue with building HLOD’s for my map

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