After the v26.20, all Creative Devices that reference Creative Props throw the in-editor errors, “Non-spatially loaded actor references spatially loaded actor”. Prior to v26.20, this did not happen.
Steps to Reproduce
Load a previous project created before the release of v26.20 with devices that reference creative props.
Notice the error log.
Expected Result
There should be no errors thrown. Or, there should be a way to resolve which isn’t clear.
Observed Result
For each creative device that references a creative prop, the above error is thrown in-editor.
Hey @agent_disco we’re aware of this issue and are working on a fix. These errors should hopefully not affect your projects in any way but if that’s not the case please let us know. Thanks!
I’m experiencing the same issue.
Each time I open my project I get the list of errors you’re mentioning, but fortunately they’re not preventing me from uploading the project (and everything is working as intended, for now ).