로그인이 되어있는데 매가스캔에 재질들을 다운받으려하면 "다운로드 오류.다시 시도해주세요".라는 메세지가 뜨고 다운이안되는데 왜그런걸까요..다운로드가되게하려면 어떻게해야할까요? 참고로 2022버젼도 안되고 2023.1.2버전에서도 안됩니다..그외에 sketchfab에있는것들은 다운로드 잘됩니다.

로그인이 되어있는데 매가스캔에 재질들을 다운받으려하면 “다운로드 오류.다시 시도해주세요”.라는 메세지가 뜨고 다운이안되는데 왜그런걸까요…다운로드가되게하려면 어떻게해야할까요?
참고로 2022버젼도 안되고 2023.1.2버전에서도 안됩니다…그외에 sketchfab에있는것들은 다운로드 잘됩니다.

Hi ,

Since you are only having an issue with downloading the Megascans assets, and the issue does not occur for Sketchfab, please go to https://quixel.com/megascans/ and check to see if you can download assets from the website. If you cannot, this indicates a problem with your Quixel Megascans account, and you may need to contact Quixel support at https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/requests/new for assistance with correcting this issue,

If that does not help, please submit a bug report at https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page so our support team can assist. please upload a copy of your Twinmotion.log file when submitting a bug report, which will provide further information about the issue for the team to analyze (https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/article/Where-to-find-Twinmotion-log-file).

