2019 Spring #ue4jam: Marketplace Takeover - May 2-7 - Theme: The Other Side of the Coin


Dungeon Service
By UnrealFanbois

Clash of Coins
By PizzaFestival

By Vectre

Special Category Winners

Ingenious - for the game with the most innovative use of a Marketplace product

- insert coin - Into the Marketverse](https://fitzbuster./insert-coin)
By Click & Bait Productions

****Not an Asset Flip ****- for the game with the best original asset(s) that fit with the Marketplace content

Office Cruncher

Streamlined - for the best game that comes in under 100MB

Infinite Value

Spring is here and it’s time for our quarterly #ue4jam, but this time things are different. The Unreal Engine Marketplace has taken over, and they’re bringing a slew of extra prizes and new categories!

This is a great place to find team members, talk about the jam or post updates. You can also head over to Discord and visit #game-jams for anything related to the jam. Happy developing, and good luck!

MARKETPLACE TAKEOVER RULE: Use of Unreal Engine Marketplace assets will not adversely affect your score!


Our “Special Categories” are for teams who create amazing games, but have something just a little different. For the Marketplace Takeover, our Special Categories are:

  • **“Ingenious” - **for the game with the most innovative use of a Marketplace product.
  • **“Not an Asset Flip” - **for the game with the best original asset(s) that fit with the Marketplace content.
  • **“Streamlined” - **for the best game that comes in under 100mb.

Streaming your work on Twitch? Let us know so we can follow along!
Are you on Twitter? Show off your work using the #ue4jam](https://twitter.com/hashtag/ue4jam?src=hash) hashtag!

Helpful Links for Jamming

Official Sites
Getting Started Docs
Reduce Your Package Size
Top Tips for Game Jams
Wiki Tutorials
Wiki Code Tutorials/Snippets
Training Videos
Tutorials and Guides
Blueprint Getting Started Thread
C++ Getting Started Thread

Unreal Engine’s Official Youtube Channel
Peter L Newton’s Youtube Channel
TeslaDev’s Youtube Channel
Mathew Wadstein’s Youtube Channel
Luos’ Youtube Channel

Tutorials and Guides
Tutorials by Tom Looman
Blueprint Guides by Romero

So really, why was this not announced at the same time as the spring sale instead of 4-ish hours before that sale ended?

Why where we sellers not included and contacted related to this so we could make promo stuff around it?
This would have been the best reason to interact with us, get the most out of the sales, and generally do both profitable and fun stuff.

This, starting the sale the same day as 4.22 drops (which especially annoyed plug-in creators), and all the big promises to the game store (that where once made to us), just to name three recent things really makes us feel like afterthoughts.

This wasn’t announced at the same time because we were still finalizing details with some of our sponsors and not all the elements were in place. We’re excited to change up the format and will encourage folks to use MP assets they have - or maybe ones they’d like to buy during the jam. The key is we don’t want folks to feel like they need to pay to win. I do think you’re right in that we could have done more with you all ahead of time - we’ll take that feedback for future events as we’re trying new tactics. We’re still a few weeks ahead of the event, so if you’d like to do promotions around this jam, it’s not too late.

Regarding the sale timing, it was not intended to launch on the same day as the 4.22 release. The teams had intentionally picked sale dates to not coincide with a number of UE initiatives, but when the release date slipped, the timing was unfortunate in regards to the sale kickoff. And we still have updates coming for Marketplace - the next refresh will come in the form of overhauling our current comments and rating system.

It’s time to get busy and prepare some asset pipeline.

how old do you have to be to enter?
by the way im 12 and just getting into game development, I’ve made 1 mobile game and currently working on a third person game in ue4 please reply soon so i can get ready thanks;)

Well, the rules for jams in the past was 16, so I’m not 100% sure but I would have to assume that they are going to stay the same.

Do the rules mean only premade marketplace content or all content made before? Also are all types of premade content eligible for example code and preset templates or does this only apply to art, sound, and plugins? Of course the game should be made during the jam, but where is the line drawn? It would be nice to know what assets are seen as okay. Last the thing I want to do is make a game based on a template with basic functionality I made for myself and get disqualified.

I just want to clarify something regarding the size of the upload to . That butler tool is mentioned if you want to upload something larger than 1GB, but as I understand it you still need to get individual authorisation from if you want to upload something over 1GB, right? I’m not sure what their policy is, but I’m guessing they don’t really want 100 people uploading 20GB files. Or does the butler tool somehow allow anyone to upload larger files?

I’m guessing this is going to be a much more significant factor for a lot of people this time around, given that we can use marketplace assets. Those Paragon assets are relatively large, for one thing. Anyone able to clarify?

The Contest is open to participants 16 or older.

“Submission may include sourced (non-original) assets, but the sourced assets must be noted. Submission must not include assets created prior to the Contest Period (outside of noted sourced assets)”

“Sourced (non-original) assets that aren’t from the Unreal Engine Marketplace will not be reviewed and scored.”

Yes, you can use any content made prior to the jam (as long as it’s noted in your submission) but we don’t judge that content and we don’t score it. This has been the case previously. The special rule for this jam is that we DO judge and reward score for Marketplace assets.

Let me know if that clears it up!

You’re going to be giving us lots of new marketplace content right? :stuck_out_tongue:

For us total noobs, would it count much if I bought a game template, introduced one extra gameplay function and then just remixed tons of assets, creating a few original materials. Or should I spend the next two weeks figuring out Houdini and give substance designer a chance? Seems to be equal amount of prep work. How good does the actual game have to be?

Any chance you could clarify regarding my question above, about file size and uploads?

You only need to contact to increase the web upload limit. If you use butler, you can upload files up to 30GB without contacting them!

Oh really? Awesome, thanks!

Possibly another stupid question, though, does that only apply to games specifically for this jam, or all games I might want to upload? I’ve considered selling/distributing stuff on in the future, but thought 1GB wouldn’t be sufficient.

I believe it applies to all games!

Dear VictorLerp and Amanda.Bott,

i have a question but its more of a private one, therefore I send my question as a private message, can you please check it?


Can we just add .zip or can we package in a .rar?

.rar is a proprietary file format that itch doesn’t support.

Sorry for late response. Yes it does.

Hello, I would love to be sure to understand that ->

  • “All art assets in the game must have a material other than the default applied to it.”

Does this mean that you can for example take the paragon assets for the marketplace take over, but need to change the material applied to them by default ?

Or does it mean we can’t use the default Wall/Floor material of the engine on the original art assets we would create for the game :slight_smile: ?

Sorry if it’s a silly question but I don’t want to guess there, I’m really hyped about that jam xD !
