Thank you for taking the time to read this. Here are my reproduction steps:
- Create new project from scratch (with chairs-table-floor starter content).
- Set engine scalability settings for post-processing to cinematic.
- Enlarge GlobalPostProcessVolume (PPV1) substantially, uncheck unbound setting, set priority value to 1, add Gaussian depth-of-field (and scene colour tint for easy visual check).
- Create new, smaller post-processing volume (PPV2), with different gaussian DOF and scene colour tint values than step 3. Set priority value >1, move to within the global PPV1.
- Swap camera positions between the two volumes. Observe how the colour tints change appropriately, but even inside PPV2, the DOF settings from the large global PPV1 volume remain dominant.
- For quick verification, uncheck the “enabled” setting from the global PPV1, and observe how the DOF settings for PPV2 are working correctly as the influence from PPV1 has been completely removed.
Does anyone have a solution for getting the Gaussian DOF settings in PPV2 to operate correctly? It’s an issue in a much large project and thought it could be the settings specific to that project, but creating a new test project yielded the same frustrations. Seemingly all other PPV settings swap correctly between properly prioritised volumes except DOF.