2 Editors one client the other server

Hello everyone, is it possible to open 2 editors one server and the other client or something like that?, i want to test replication or communication between server-client client-server in real time

I want to sort my blueprints and other things Client stuff in one editor and the server stuff in the other editor

At the moment im trying to place Server side lets calls to functions and other things that happens on the server in gameMode but its not working out, when i pick play as client casting to gamemode fails from what i understood is because it only exists on server so its not possible to cast to it since it does not exist on client, I really want to separate client stuff and server stuff from each other

Im working with blueprints just in case

Hi, not sure I correctly understand what you ask, but

Hello everyone, is it possible to open
2 editors one server and the other
client or something like that?

set number of players to 2 that will start two versions of the game one server one client, does that answer it? And by the way if you play as client, then you already have server and client (server runs in the background).

i want to test replication or
communication between server-client
client-server in real time

You can specify the number of players you want and play in editor (won’t give you correct results since the editor is using perfomance in the background), or you can play as client in standalone (will only allow you one client though) or you build some connection logic and then start several games in standalone and connect them (if you want to test for several clients).

I mean One editor “sever” which contain only commands/functions that execute on server and One editor “client” which contains commands/functions that are usually on the client side in the real world

Lets say we’re on 1 editor like the usual, I want all nodes/fuctions that execute only on server to be in one blueprint

I want to separate nodes/functions/blueprints everything that execute on server from everything that execute on client, Server stuff in one place and client stuff in another place

Right now im running 1 editor so im trying to place “server stuff” in GameMode blueprint

And im sorry im kinda bad at explaining =/

I don’t think that you can have something that shows you blueprints/functions that are for the server and for the client. You can spawn blueprints on server or client and call functions on server and client so there is no way to statically differentiate between all of them. For example, spawn a non replicating actor on the server, then you have the same as GameMode. Spawn that same actor on the client then this is now a “client actor”. What you of course already have is that symbol on the functions/events that show if its server only / intented for remote only and for RPCs you see whether they are RunOnServer or RunOnOwningClient or Multicast. And you also have SwitchHasAuthority

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me

yea RPC is what i meant, Client sends a request thro RPC to Server And then Server sends back what the client can do like executing functions and stuff

I want those RPCs located in 1 area, Like make RPC “execute on server” in a different Editor or atleast a Blueprint just meant for RPCs, But being able to call them from Client, i cannot call those RPCs if i place them in GameMode since casting is the only way i know how to and it does not work if played As client

The reason i want to place those RPCs in one place is when im done with game and its time to package i can easily separate Server files and client files from each other without a big mess

I want those RPCs located in 1 area

You can put them in the player controller (so the RunOnServer RPCs). The workflow I use is player input → if no one else ever needs to know about it just execute it all locally, no need to ever use RPCs here. Otherwise player input → directly RPC to server → server does the logic → uses replication to tell clients about results. And then ofc sometimes for the “illusion of responsibility” directly executing things on clients (which has no influence on the gameplay at all) while also doing it on the server (which has the influence on the gameplay).

The reason i want to place those RPCs
in one place is when im done with game
and its time to package i can easily
separate Server files and client files
from each other without a big mess

I don’t see how putting all RPCs in one place is going to help with that. Everything you put into the world exists on server and clients (unless you explicitly tell it to not load on clients) and everything replicating needs again to exist on server and clients. So having all RPCs in one place won’t matter since you will still need all those replicating actors existing on server and client. But then I never packaged a dedicated server, so I may easily be missing something here =)