180° vertical field of view rendering for dome projection

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all going well!

I’ve been reading you for a while and now the time has come for me to ask for your knowledges and ideas!

For the needs of one of our incoming projects, we will have to render long sequences of CGI that will be projected on a dome (4k x 4K , 180° vertical fov). We plan to use UE4 to render some of them. Due to the very specific Field of view, the final output format has to be a 4K square image with a 180 v FOV.

I’m currently looking for the best way to achieve this.


having a solution that will directly render 180 FOV images like this one :

Has one of you ever achieved this kind of effect?

Thank you in advance for your answers!

That SharpBall solution seems pretty good… pity they just disappeared…
I’d need something similar without relying upon nDisplay+DomeProjection.

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