Have you tried making a development standalone build then running some basic profiling on it? Such as ‘stat unit’ or ‘stat startfile’ ‘stat stopfile’? Any info from those would be helpful, as well as checking the logs when you run the stand alone game.
Hello everyone, i’m looking for some help. When i’m editing my project, everything is okay i’m at 120FPS but when i try to play at my game, i just have 20fps even in really low settings.
Join at my question you could find a UnrealStat file, as you can see when i start the game everything is crazy, but what is really strange is my CPU is only at 20% of is capacity and my Video card at 30%
If someone can explain to me what i’m doing wrong would be nice
edit : the stats are 25Mo and i can’t post it here, i can provide some screenshots if needed
My config :
GTX 1080TI Asus Founder’s Edition //
I7 4790k overclocked //
Ensure that you don’t have Frame-rate Smoothing set in your Project Settings. If it’s checked, just uncheck it. It could be trying to smooth you down between 30 and 45 frames.
If that doesn’t work, I think using the console command ‘r.stat unit’ will give you high level information about what could be bogging down your framerate. The 3 important ones are “Game” “CPU” and “GPU”. All 3 of these should be relatively close in execution time.
If the value for Game is higher than the others, then it is likely that your Game logic is causing the bottleneck, which means you would have to re-examine your blueprints or C++ code to see how it can be optimized - or if there is a major bottleneck in there somewhere.
If the value for your CPU is higher than the others, it could mean that your draw-calls are causing a framerate bottleneck. You could have too meshes that aren’t optimized for gaming by containing too many vertices. If this is the case, you likely have to go back and try to decimate them or find a way to optimize their usage.
If the value for your GPU is higher than the others, it could be that your lighting is causing a bottleneck. Are your lightmap resolutions too high? I can’t recall if textures get rendered on the GPU, but if so, then that could be another area - your texture resolutions are too high.