Finally i make a video for my unreal Sample scene. majority of models are from evermotion archinteriors but others are modeled with 3dsmax 2014 and marvelous designer.
30-50 fps in 1080p with 580GTX.
wowww! thanks guys:D really amazed by such a like this comments!
paoloverona: Yes, they are original…there are captured directly from 1080p video.
Adrien3D: thx man, the last time i rendered this scene was something about one month ago! with two or three computers for about 8 hours i think! the job is done for fun! too see how much we can go with Unreal Engine 4.
as i said before this work is done just for fun! too see how much we can go with Unreal Engine 4 and scene is not optimized so that packaged project is 1.5 GB! as an example just wave sounds is 350 megabytes! by the way if i have time to optimize the scene i will inform you for sure;)
Looks incredible! Love love love your lighting. For camera-based flythroughs, I would suggest using the built in video export of Matinee for recording. I’ve never done Camtasia recording for the walking part, but the stuttering in the video is pretty annoying.
Very cool demo. I’ve just tested it. I’m getting 60-62 fps on my GTX 980. Only 2 things that bother me…is there no vertical synchro? I’m getting a lot of tearing. I also think the walk speed is a tad too slow. Otherwise, superb!
1- vertical sinc: yes you are right! I dont know but i accidentally turn it off!!! just go to this folder: …/final/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor, and open GameUserSettings.ini and correct this line: bUseVSync=True. thnx for your close attention.
2- I dont like that kind of game speed walk-throughs for this archviz subject.