Hello there,
As you can see here, depending on the angle the camera is in, the source length of the stationary lights seems to get set to 0 and back to the length it should be. They all change together, at the same time, for the entire level.
I have this problem since 4.17 and never found a solution to this.
Thanks in advance!
I’ve also had issues with long stationary lights - they caused very obvious white dots to appear at the seams between static meshes.
Never seen your issue though… Have you tried replicating this issue in an empty project?
Trying to replicate it as we speak, but I cannot seem to. I must say my current project is quite large…
This entry would seem to be the same kind of issue: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/412005/point-light-source-length-doesnt-work-with-tiledde.html?sort=oldest
Unresolved since Feb 2016…
Ok, I have been able to replicate it in an empty project!
If you have >80 point lights on stationary in your screen, it switches to 0 source length.
Manually setting the TiledDeferredShading minimum count to a higher amount fixes the problem, at least while you are in the editor. Default value is 80.
To set it higher, you can enter a console command, for example:
r.TiledDeferredShading.MinimumCount 200
I haven’t found a way to set it in an .ini file or something, so it retains that value after you build the project…
Adding this console command to the Event BeginPlay in your level blueprint does the trick. Not really a solution, more of a hack.
Increase/decrease the minimumcount to your liking. (Default = 80)