Apex Destruction nullptr Apex Destructible Asset

Hello and thanks for reading!

So im having a issue when packing my build, the game runs and plays but when i get to assigning a Destructible mesh to a DestructibleComponent it crashes with a nullptr to ApexDestructibleAsset. It works fine in editor but when standalone it doesnt… Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

This is a bug, can someone from epic please advise? This is an issue I have with Nativization Enabled ONLY. Are you using nativization?

Yeah I did, Ill try running it now with it off.

Another solution I think I will try is to use exclusive nativization and just not nativize any of my blueprints using destructible meshes. This is very annoying but it might be the only way. If you manage to test it before me please tell!

Well the only thing is all of the destructive stuff is being handled by c++.

Yeah but even if it’s being passed from a blueprint into C++ it might still cause this issue

Are you loading the DM via ConstructorHelpers? Or as a variable in blueprint

Construction helper. Im trying something i saw on another thread about adding apex destruction back to physx inside of unreals source. Currently trying that.

Tell me if it works

Yeah havent managed to get it working as of yet. Incorporating it back in is a huge pain. Ill keep trying things

Alright man, good luck. I hope you manage to figure it out!


It was because I was defining my DestructibleMesh’s and actors inside constructors on game start and using construction helpers. I managed to get it fixed by only accessing the Destructible content when I needed it. IE spawning a destructible mid way through the game when it was actually used. Reading another post I have been looking at and talking with a few people they say its because of the new plugin loading after the engine/game making it so the game cant find the imports.



I know the Apex/Physx was recently moved to a plugin, so this might be some fallout from that.

I’ve attempted to reproduce this, however I did not get a crash. Would either of you be willing to post repro steps or an example project I could package?

I had this same problem but it seems my problem my static mesh source was made from a skeletal mesh pose (using the function in Persona assuming that’s what it’s called). I exported my static mesh and then reimported as a seperate static mesh and made a destructible mesh out of that and now my destructible mesh seems to work even in the packaged game.

Also, in my case I was already only creating the destructible mesh component if my character had a destructible mesh defined in its UCharacterInfo UAssetData file. I didn’t want to include a destructible mesh in the character class by default because not all characers are robotic (meant to explode upon death).