My shipping builds are blurry (like the UI widgets are barely readable, even though they’re big and perfectly clear when debugging)
And the game is running slower or something, maybe the physics. It’s not slow in itself, the framerate is fine, but objects are moving slower than in the editor
This is in VR (HTC Vive) and I’m running my game through SteamVR.
I don’t have much time, I’ll edit this answer with more details soon, but in a nutshell:
on your beginPlay, run some console commands via blueprint
r.setResolution, to the resolution of the Vive (you can find that on the web probablym not sure the exact command)
r.ScreenPercentage to up to 200. 150 is okay usually, but the default is a bit blurry.
The slowness in my game was due to me using physics impulse every frame, which are meant to be used once, si it made my game framerate dependent. Avoid that.
Also type “stat fps” in the console to see your FPS. If you don’t have a constant 89/90, optimize. Start by disabling shadows, and removing lights that you don’t really need, use static meshes as much as possible, etc.
Ok, much better with higher screen percentage to ~150 set via LevelBluePrint. I also increased PostProcessAAQuality to 6.
But now the framerate goes down (~45) …
For everyone else that finds this as a first result in google. Nothing helped for me, not screenpercentage or anything.
Then i noticed something funny: As soon as you do a “Open Level” command, the resolution suddenly is back to normal.
So what i did as a workaround is to have a reload of the current level immediately on beginplay (and saving the boolean flag for “alreadyLoaded” in the gameinstance, so i dont have endless reloading).
So, just try to have a binding for a button and do a “Open Level” with the current map.