AI navigation blocking self?

I have an pawn controlled by an AI controller with a behavior Tree. I had it working so that the pawn used the move to node to avoid obstacles. I switched the runtime generation on the navmesh to dynamic and now the pawn seems to block itself. When the pawn moves the nav mesh updates red around the pawn and the pawn kind of stutters instead of moving correctly. It seems like its blocking it’s own path. Is there a way to fix this?

Hey so I finally figured this on out. I had the pawn affecting navigation, which I thought I needed so pawns don’t run into each other. Turns out it’s better to have pawns not affect navigation and instead turn on rvoAvoidance in the movement component, and turn up the avoidance radius pretty high. Hope this helps someone.


It’s been a while since this was asked, but I was running into this too. My character was doing a sort of dance when running an AIMoveTo. I eventually figured out that I had an Actor Component on my character with an Actor that had a Static Mesh with “Can Ever Affect Navigation” set to true. Turning this off fixed my issue. Hopefully this helps someone else.



You can interestingly observe this behavior a little if you do a Show Navigation command and see that the ground around the character is un-navigable, and this constantly updates as the character moves in the world.


thank you!